And The Winner Is…

Actually, “winners”. First off, thank you all for the lovely mailbox full of comments. Now I know how to get the lurkers out of the shadows; give away free yarn! There are a lot of great knitting tips in those comments from my last post, some I already know and use, some I once knew and had forgotten, and many new ideas. If you have a minute or ten, go back and read all the comments.

So then, how to pick a winner? As you recall, one prize, the Opal sock yarn, and the Cherry Tree Hill Alpaca Glitter, was to be chosen randomly. Whew, no decision making there. Using the handy-dandy Random Number Generator, Kathy is the winner of this lovely little pile of yarn. Here’s her tip:

“Let’s see…favorite knitting tip for me is keeping track of which circular needle to knit from when knitting with two circs. I take the working end and give it a tug. The correct end will jiggle, letting me know which one to knit with. Makes it easy to figure out which is which :-)”

The other prize is for my favorite tip of the bunch. Now that one was not so easy. In the end, I picked Bridget’s tip, on not drinking and knitting at the same time. How could I not choose that one, even if she didn’t think it was a valid knitting tip?

“I have no actual knitting tips, though I wish I did. I have learned though, that at least for me, one glass of wine is plenty, if I don’t want to rip it all out the next day. Hardly a tip, but it does work!”

Bridget gets the Heritage lace yarn and the Mountain Colors Bearfoot. Given my past history with the bourbon-related mishaps, I’m surprised that more of you didn’t suggest this.*

Thanks for playing, everyone! Not only did I get lots of great tips, but I got leads to a bunch of new-to-me blogs.

Next post, actual finished knitting projects!

*Of course, just because I liked her knitting idea the best, doesn’t mean that I’ll follow her advice. 😉

Author: Lorette

My name is Lorette. I learned to knit in 1999, and took up spinning in 2009. I'm a physician specializing in internal medicine, and live in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy my blog!

9 thoughts on “And The Winner Is…”

  1. Oh, I’m so excited, I’ve never won anything before!
    And just to set the record straight, though I sent this tip/advice/whatever you want to call it, my reality does not reflect that I take my own advice … 🙂

  2. Congrats to the winners! I enjoyed reading the tips, too. Good advice is much more fun to give than to follow, right? 🙂

  3. Wow. I haven’t been around for awhile, I guess. Great to read all the posts and the comments. Was going to argue with you about Jerry Garcia but your link convinced me. I’ve been in a funk knit-wise but somehow your luscious yarn images have inspired me to grab my half-finished socks and get crackin’. Woo hoo.

  4. This is the first time I’ve ever written a comment to an online group. I’m as technologically challenged as any 53-year-old, I’m sure. I stumbled upon this blog, though, looking up Holtz & Stein needles, and felt right at home. Anyone who knits while sipping martinis, is okay by me, although I try to stick to single malt or salty dogs. Thank you for a great knitting place. I’m looking forward to reading and exploring the site. Thanks. Cindy in Texas where I’m the only idiot I know who knits wool sweaters.

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