Oh, The Suspense!


Will She Finish The Main Body Section By The End Of The Month Like She Said She Would?

Who knows. I have six days left in the month, plus part of today, and I only work two of those, so it could happen. Here’s where I am:

Sorry for the weird color. It’s not really tomato colored, that’s just my phone camera, and I didn’t have time to fix it, I’m on a tight knitting schedule here. My plan for May was to finish the body section, and then I’ll “just” have the sleeves and the hood to go. I have the left front done, and am about a dozen rows from finishing the right front, then the back section from the armholes up to the neck. We’ll see, we’ll see.

Here’s what Riley thinks.

I’m not sure, Mom. This is my “dubious” look.

I’m off to keep knitting.

Author: Lorette

My name is Lorette. I learned to knit in 1999, and took up spinning in 2009. I'm a physician specializing in internal medicine, and live in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy my blog!

17 thoughts on “Oh, The Suspense!”

  1. Hello, I just stumbled across your blog and just had to comment on Riley … that’s exactly the look one of my whippets gives me when I’m knitting … I reckon he’s thinking surely she could find a better use for those sticks than wrap wool around them … throw them maybe !

    Good luck with your body section deadline 🙂

  2. I don’t know if I can stand the suspense. I think you’re motivated, though, so I’m not betting against you!

  3. I have total confidence in you.

    I finally got to the armpits of the back on my current sweater -the one I seem to be knitting on forever. I felt that it was a milestone, and felt quite encouraged.

  4. Go, go, go! You can still make it.
    Red is always hard to photograph; I am having the same problem with my current project.

  5. Just thought I would let you know I got the yarn today! I love it! Thanks for selling it! I’m not sure what it will become but it will be fun figuring that out.

  6. Riley looks like the one who is in charge of the pets’ pool. . . Is he going to be able to cover all the bets on whether you finish?

  7. Right on Riley!! I can’t wait to see how this oal faired….and most importantly, I can’t wait to see it finished…

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