First of all, a cute pup photo:
Lewey would like to thank all of you for the good wishes and congratulations. His 1st birthday was December 14th, and in honor of the occasion, we took a family vote (a little before our 2-week trial period was over) and decided that he’s staying as part of our family. He’s very happy to have a permanent home. He’s also settling in just fine. He had some food aggression issues at his former home, due to being in a house with another non-neutered male Corgi. The breeder that rescued him also had him “fixed”, and that plus a little focused training seems to have fixed the issue. He’s sweet, smart, and a fast learner. The cats didn’t get to vote, by the way. He’s already learned that he can’t chase cats around here, but doesn’t always succeed in the attempt. They both have claws, so sooner or later he’ll learn the lesson the hard way.
Now, on to knitting. We pretty much have your same three projects going here, a big grey sweater, a purple Icelandic lace stole, and a pair of socks. Just so I could have something new and different to show, I started and finished a pair of mittens this past week. I realized that I did not have even one pair of mittens or gloves to wear, which is sort of ridiculous, given the 12 boxes of yarn balls I have stashed in every closet and corner of this house.
Way back when, I bought several colors of Brown Sheep Handpaint Originals, 3 skeins of each. I think I was planning on socks, but this stuff is perfect for mittens. Here they are, a couple of in progress shots, and then finished.

Project Specs:
Yarn: Brown Sheep Handpaint Originals, color Sara’s Dress (I love that name!)
Pattern: Plain mitten, from Ann Budd’s Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns.
Needles: Pony Pearl Dpns, size 3.75mm.
For: Me, the one without any mittens.
Started and Finished: in the past 2 weeks, December 2007
Modifications: Pretty much none, but it’s one of those generic patterns that you can do a lot of things with. For future reference, I made these using the “6 stitch/inch gauge, 44 stitch around” directions. I could go down a size next time and still be happy.
What I learned: It takes very little time to make mittens. This was my first pair, and for those of you new-ish knitters, I’d rate mittens easier than socks. I just love this yarn. Thumbs are cool to knit. But I don’t so much like the spiral decreases at the top of this, finished with pulling the yarn tail through the last four stitches and drawing it closed. Next time I’d try my standard toe finish, which is the paired decreases at either side, then grafting the fingertip end.
I have quite a bit of yarn left over as well. Is it enough to make another pair? Out comes the Magic Scale, and we’ll find out:
Just a couple grams less than half left. So if I make a bit smaller size, I’ll get another pair of mittens! Surprisingly, my sweetie said he would wear this color and would love mittens, so maybe I’ll give him these and make myself the second pair. Isn’t that sweet–matching mittens!
And just so you don’t think I’m completely ignoring my other projects, here’s Big Grey. I have the front and back done, and here’s where I am on Sleeve Island.
Bring on the piña coladas, I might be on this island awhile.
Oh, wow, look at all that cuteness!
(Oh, and, cute mittens, too.) (grin)
The wine glass shot is priceless.
Such seasonally colored mittens – and so festive, with the wine!
The mittens look great. The yarn reminds me of Mountain Colors Bearfoot, which also might work for that pattern and approximate needle size. I tried that pattern, and it worked well on a now discontinued yarn (Classic Elite Tapestry), and I varied the cuff a bit so it had cables instead of ribs (to match a hat that had cables).
That first photo made me smile – those ears, that nose… I’m glad you’re keeping him.
How could the vote POSSIBLY go any other way?
Hurrah! He gets to stay! He is so adorable! He will get used to the cats, eventually.
I love the mittens. That is one of the prettiest colors that I have seen in a while. You were brave to hold red wine in mittens. I would be afraid I would drop the glass.
I can’t wait to see the rest of the WIP’s turn into FO’s, especially the stole.
Love the mittens! I have seen so many knitters using Ann Budd’s book that I am going to have to add it to my book shelf. The haindpainted Brown Sheep Yarn is perfect and I expect, since it is fingering weight, is pretty soft.
So glad to hear that Lewey is now a permanent part of the family. Don’t you just love those Corgi ears? I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever made a pair of mittens! Surely I must have made Ben at least one pair while we lived in Alaska, but I don’t remember. I really should get cracking. First, though, I need to get going on that skein of Calmer you sent me. I need a hat more than mittens.
AWESOME mittens….and hear your neck of the woods need it! and Lewey is the most adorable member! Happy Birthday ‘Lew’!!!
Hello Lewey! Welcome! He’s such a sweet boy.
Awesome mittens!! Interesting you should say that about mittens being easier than socks; I’ve been dying to knit some and now that my son has requested mittens, I’ll get right to it after the holidays. He thinks mittens would be better for making snowballs. Surely he knows we don’t GET snow in SE Texas.
great mittens – and so glad that Llewy has a home – what a sweetheart. Can’t wait to meet your newest family member!
Good luck on sleeve island (tell that dear recipient of yours that it is a two – maybe three martini per night project – grin)
I am so glad that Lewey will be a permanent member of the family (btw, it should be illegal to be that cute!).
How funny that you made mittens – I just realized the other day that I didn’t have any, and decided I’d make some on my holiday break. First I have to get rid of the flu … 🙁
Love that yarn! I’m glad to know that it’s a good one for mittens.
That is one adorable pup! Awesome mittens too 🙂
Ah, Lewey is a cutey!
Love the wineglass shot; you’re all set for when the power goes out at your next party!
I too have not yet made mittens, mostly because the children decline to wear them, but I have a thrummed mitten kit I am contemplating making — for me, probably. I’d rather be warm than cool (huh, that sounded weird, but you know what I mean, I’m sure).
Totally agree with you about the decrease thing; I think I might decrease a bit farther before Kitchenering (is that a verb? It is now!) than I would for socks, since hands are slightly pointier than toes, but I think the standard sock decrease would look better and fit a hand better, being flat.
Great mittens!!! I’ve been making patterned mittens out of sock yarn–never again. Too time consuming. Your puppy is lovely. I love Corgi’s–my sister has had one for years and I love to visit him in Boulder. Seeing my sister is just a side benefit of visiting the Corgi!!
Lewey is absolutely adorable! Merry Christmas to you and yours, and I am hoping to see you at Madrona again this year!
Aren’t mittens fun? Much faster than socks, and interesting thumb variations to try out until you find one that is perfect for your thumb.
Mitten and wine match. *whew*
Lewey looks like one happy pup.
Aren’t mittens fun? Much faster than socks, and interesting thumb variations to try out until you find one that is perfect for your thumb.
Mitten and wine match. *whew*
Lewey looks like one happy pup.
I’m so happy Lewey found his “forever” home.
Cute wine holders, oh wait mittens, but they make good wine holders too.
If Mr. Lewey’s ears were itching today, it was because Dorothy, Blogless Marsha and I were talking about his cuteness.
You could make the yarn go a little further by adding a contrasting ribbed band or some stripes. I like how sarah Dallas explains in vintage knits how knitters used to try and make their yarn scraps go further…
My favorite photo is of the mittens and wine! And Lewey, the new puppy, is PRECIOUS! E