
Otherwise known as National Blog Posting Month. The idea is to commit to writing a blog post daily in November. It’s a riff off of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.

You all are going to get sick and tired of seeing the same unfinished knitting projects, so I plan on changing it up a bit and adding a little non-knitting content.

Today it’s meditation. Carole wrote today about her meditation practice. I’ve meditated off and on for years, though my practice has slipped a bit more recently. I find myself using all sorts of excuses, like I’m too busy, and I’m too stressed out. Of course, scheduling a meditation practice every day helps enormously with that sense of being too busy or too stressed.

See how that works?

Anyway, I have been using the Calm app, I can do either one of many guided meditations, or just use their meditation timer, with or without soothing background music or sounds. I have found that doing a daily meditation practice really does slow down those squirrels in my head that run around like crazy banshees.

At work, I have this tiny note on my computer.

Yes, it does really help to have that little reminder.

And here’s a screen shot from the Calm app.

If you don’t already have a regular meditation practice, give it a try.

Trust me, I’m a doctor.

Author: Lorette

My name is Lorette. I learned to knit in 1999, and took up spinning in 2009. I'm a physician specializing in internal medicine, and live in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy my blog!

2 thoughts on “NaBloPoMo”

  1. I trust you! I had been toying with a meditation practice for a long time, without ever making a serious effort. For 2019 I have been committed to meditating most days, even just for a few minutes. A little tracker in my bullet journal keeps me honest.

  2. Meditation and living with intention are hot ticket themes amongst women of a certain age these days. Best wishes in your journey!

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