That’s all I can come up with today. I was back at work, feeling considerably more like a human, and actually got home at a reasonable hour given that I took yesterday off.
I took this photo at my desk this morning. I have a couple of orchids in my window. This one has been blooming for months. The other one dropped its flowers a month or so back, and is waiting for its next cycle.

Don’t ask me for any tips for how to grow them. With me it’s just dumb luck. I kill most plants, but for some reason can grow orchids. I mostly admire them, tell them how lovely they are, water them once a week, and give them some plant food when they’ve quit blooming. I think it helps that these are “grocery store” orchids, not the fancy hothouse kind, so they are bred so people can’t kill them.
When I got a grocery store orchid to rebloom, I thought I had arrived. (Been a garden since a kid) Never had orchids around the house growing up. Now half the house plants I have are orchids of one size or another. lol
Oh and you knew that word was ‘gardener’, I can spell and sometimes type. 🙂