This is all you’re going to get for the next couple of weeks. I’ve never been one of those organized knitters that start knitting Christmas gifts in January every year. I usually think about it around December 20th, therefore, no Christmas knitting ever gets done around here.
Last week I had the bright idea to knit a few things for a few people. Mind you, I picked some VERY SIMPLE things that I can practically knit in my sleep, more of a “stocking stuffer” type of gift.
Then I started thinking, well, I could do these for a few more people too! Pretty soon I was up to knitting about a dozen of these little Mystery Projects.
Right. I am insane.
Of course, though I had the yarn for a few of these Mystery Projects, I don’t have enough to knit all of them. This is despite the boxes and boxes and nearly half a million yards of yarn around here.
So I ordered more. It was supposed to be delivered Friday. I got a tracking notification from USPS that it was indeed delivered “at or near the mailbox”, whatever that means. I think it means it is “at or near” someone else’s mailbox, since I did not receive it. This makes the likelihood of me completing my Christmas knitting even more improbable than it already was.
This my friends, is why I don’t do Christmas knitting.
Please send whisky. I will surely need it.
I knit 65 hand-made gifts every Christmas, but you are right, I start Dec. 26 each year.That way things are not too crazy. Sorting through bags of FO’s and wrapping is crazy enough.
Julie in San Diego, whare it hs been cool and rainy. Yeah, end of the fire season!
I suppose the ultimate mystery gift would be an unused hank of yarn with the note, “Guess what this was going to be?”
Whiskey sounds about right. Good luck!