I’m plugging away at my Hudson Valley cardigan. That’s the left front on top of the back piece. As you can see, I still have some “work” to do.
John thinks it is pretty amusing that I refer to knitting as “work”. Knitting is rather a worthy activity however. Perhaps it’s not as necessary as cleaning up the kitchen, or reading medical texts so I know what the hell I’m talking about at my job, but I do provide clothing and accessories for us to wear, even if it is at a glacially slow pace. If I sense that he’s getting annoyed that I’m knitting away whilst he is doing the dishes, I just pull out the sock I’m knitting for him and work on that instead. “Oh look! Here’s the sock I’m knitting for YOU!” It works sometimes.
Here is that sock.

That’s the second of the pair, so I don’t have much “work” to do to finish it.
And here is a close up of the lace on that cardigan.

The latest baby surprise project is in time out. The big center garter stitch piece is on a 16 inch circular needle until it gets bigger. Despite the fact that I’ve collected dozens and dozens of knitting needles over the years, I could only find ONE circular 16 inch needle in the proper size in my stash.

I don’t even know what brand those are, but it’s a 16 inch bamboo needle. I really am not a fan of bamboo knitting needles anyway, and this one has that damned little plastic bump at the join that is a major pain in the ass. So I have a replacement on the way, and this is in time out until it gets here.
The replacement needles on order are Lykke brand knitting needles. They are made of birch, and have perfect points, and nothing annoying at the join to slow down the knitting. I have a bunch of these in the longer circulars as well. I don’t use the shorter circulars very often, but they do come in handy for certain projects. Here’s what the Lykkes look like.

Sorry, you don’t get any better photo of that. I think we had our one day of summer sun yesterday. We’re back to overcast and barely 70 degrees today.
Oh wait, let’s try that again.
That’s better. I love these needles. I have a set of the straight needles also. I know, I know. I’m probably the last person left on earth that loves and uses straight needles.
Back to “work”.
Many wows on your cardigan. I used to love bamboo needles but prefer my steel ones now. I am grateful that I had them when I learned to knit socks though.
I love the Lykkes but right now am working on a frustrating shawl with mohair yarn and the color of the yarn is way too close to the color of the needles (color Driftwood). Maybe I need to buy a set of the Indigo. Or Grove? I think I need them all. It’s a work-related expense, right?