Well this has just been a hell of a week, hasn’t it? I’m not rehashing it here, you’ve all likely been stuck to the news as I have, and if you’ve been following me for more than a minute, you know my political leanings well. All I can say is that I’m blaming the flaming migraine I had for two days this week on trump.
So I’ve been looking for ways to calm my anxiety. Not getting sucked into social media helps. Meditation helps. Knitting definitely helps. Oddly, one of the books I’m reading is Nixonland, by Rick Perlstein, and that helps, as did reading Bagman, by Rachel Maddow. This insanity didn’t just start in the past year, or even the last century, which is weirdly reassuring.
And spinning! I haven’t used my wheel or my spindles much in the past year, who knows why. I suppose it’s related to too little free time and too many shiny knitting (and other) things that capture my attention. But I’ve dusted off the Watson wheel and started spinning. And my lovely little spindle collection has seen some use this past couple of weeks.
I was internet browsing late last night (insomnia is bad for the credit card balance!). I had a couple of shopping carts worth of spinning fiber loaded up, when the little angel on my right shoulder yelled loudly that I should check what’s in the fiber closet before I hit “pay now”. I’m glad I did. After a brief inventory today, I found FIVE of those big plastic tote boxes stuffed full of lovely spinning fiber. I have a huge yarn 401K saved up for retirement, and apparently I have enough spinning fiber to last several years as well.
Here is one of my favorite little spindles with some yarn-making in progress.

I’m not sure what the fiber is, or where I bought it, but it really is that eye-searingly pinky-orange. It feels like Polwarth or perhaps Targhee, it spins easily, and is nice and bouncy.
The spindle is a Golding Ringspindle, it is tiny, with a 2 inch whorl. I can’t fathom why these have been idle for so long.
In other news, I finished a little shawl. It’s still drying, so I’ll save it for another day, but it’s a good feeling to have a finished project for the new year.
Last but not least, I got my second Covid vaccine this morning. Hallelujah is all I can say. The next group to be vaccinated is the 70 and older, which means John will be vaccinated in the next few weeks. I’ve lived in utter terror this past year that I would bring it home to him. Most of my medical colleagues aren’t as much afraid of getting this as we are afraid of bringing it home to our loved ones.

Keep calm, and “Knit on, with confidence and hope, through all crises”*
*Elizabeth Zimmerman
Yarn 401k! 🥰 I am really glad you have both doses done. Waiting my turn, but it should come in a month or so.
I love that eye searing pinky-orange color. Pink and orange are a favorite color combo of mine.
Yay for your 2nd jab (I’m being British today)!
I’m so glad you got the shots! And that you’re having fun with the spinning. Such cheery color!
I am spinning up a storm, too!!! Perfect thing to do when the world feels like it’s out of control-so calming, meditative, and productive. So happy to know that you’ve been vaccinated. Still waiting for our turn for our first shot, and it will be awhile longer according to our governor here in Virginia. We’ve been patient this long so a bit more time won’t really matter as long as it’s finally coming! Did you have any reactions to the second shot?
Yarn 401(k) — genius phrasing! However, as my husband and I are finding (ages 72 and 71, respectively), we may not be in good enough physical form to actually accomplish all our 401(k) projects. (He has bad kidneys and psoiriatic arthritis, I just do not have the energy.). So maybe you just go ahead and spin that 401(k) stash 🙂