I’ve been knitting away on my Cathedral Stole lace shawl for months. My Ravelry project page says I started this in 2016, which is true. This is what it looked like since then.

I pulled this out of hibernation in mid March and started working on it again. This is a rectangular shawl, started in the middle with a provisional cast on. You knit for miles, bind off, then pick up the provisional stitches in the center and knit for a few more miles. Fortunately I’m happy knitting the same thing for miles and miles. This yarn helps. I bought this yarn in 2014. Here is what I wrote about it then. *
Peace Fleece got in some lovely lace yarn hand spun by women in Tajikistan. They had a nice little story to go with the yarn about how these women spin yarn to help feed and clothe their families. One skein provides enough money for them to buy a chicken, a loaf of bread, or a kilogram of potatoes. Tell me you could resist that. Let’s just say I bought enough for a nice chicken dinner complete with potatoes and bread for the whole family.

I’m not sure exactly why this sat unloved for so long. At any rate, I am just finishing the first half. I decided to do a fancy schmancy crochet loop bind off. It isn’t hard to do, just fidgety. And trust me, you do NOT want to have to undo this, so make sure it is what you want before you wade in. You can always put in a lifeline before you bind off, but where’s the fun and adventure in THAT.

It makes pretty little loops along the edge. Here’s a birds eye view of the lace.

Have faith. Lace knitting always looks like crap until it’s finished and blocked.
*The links in the quote don’t work, Peace Fleece only carried this for a short time. This, my friends, is why I buy yarn that I love when I see it.
It’s really pretty and I absolutely love the color! Hope you’re doing ok with the HEAT your area is experiencing! Must feel like a blast furnace outside.
Love this
Oh my!! I have a lovely shawl that has been in TO for several years also! Love this this colorway!
It’s funny how sometimes projects get put aside for no reason and linger there. This one is looking pretty even at the ramen-noodle stage, it will be lovely after blocking. And yes, always buy the yarn when you fall in love with it!
But what about dessert? WHAT ABOUT DESSERT?
Wow! 2016!! It is a long time, but a great journey. Keep going and provide us some more insightful blogs Lorette. We will be waiting…thanks for sharing!