Well, well

I’m going to call it a sabbatical, and leave it at that.

Having a Corgi that is in many ways still a puppy (he’ll be 2 in September) has made spinning an unrealistic hobby. A wheel that spins around, with pretty fluff on it? That’s more of a temptation than Hank can stand. I moved the spinning stuff well out of his way when he came to live with us.

Yesterday, I brought it out, dusted off the cobwebs, and got it going. There was some mostly spun up fiber already on it, so I finished spinning that yesterday, plied it up last night, and got it off the niddy-noddy* this morning.

That there is 228 yards of a merino/silk blend. The label for the fiber is long gone, so I have no clue where I got it. The color really is a Kermit the frog acid green, and I love it. I need to wash it up to finish it, but I think this is going to be on the needles as soon as it dries. It will be some little neck accessory, though I haven’t decided on a pattern yet. It needs to be something where I can use every last inch of this yarn.

I’m sure the ever-worsening political news has affected all of us. Getting the wheel out is one meditative way in which I’m counteracting the stress of doom-scrolling. Those of you who’ve been with me for a bit know which side of the political aisle I stand on. All I can do at this point is plan to vote, and encourage others to do the same.

Take care of yourselves in these times of conflict.

*Niddy-noddy, niddy-noddy, niddy-noddy! That is such a ridiculously fun word to say!

Author: Lorette

My name is Lorette. I learned to knit in 1999, and took up spinning in 2009. I'm a physician specializing in internal medicine, and live in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy my blog!

5 thoughts on “Well, well”

  1. Beautiful yarn, indeed! Gaze upon it or stroke it and pay no attention to that SCOTUS horribleness. We will all vote in November — that is what counts.

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