This one has been on the back burner since summer, and warmer weather, arrived. I have had the main pieces done for a while, and have one sleeve to finish.
Since we had a bit of cooler weather today (and rain!), I decided to get the front and back blocked. Once I get to the sleeve cap*, I’ll block that first sleeve so I can start sewing it up without having to wait for the whole thing to dry.
This is the Father/Son Pullover, by Cheryl Hevey. The yarn is Peace Fleece, in the color Gonna Be Alright. I might have Peace Fleece in a dozen other colors to make more sweaters, too. I do love a basic crew neck jumper for our chilly winter/rainy months.

Those books are my summer reading. I’m taking two classes with the Graham School, one on the Count of Monte Cristo, the other on Master and Margarita. The Gulag Archipelago sort of dovetails in with the Bulgakov novel. It’s not light reading, but it is oddly compelling. We’ll see if I have the fortitude to read the other two volumes of it. I might be in the mood by that point for some lighter fiction.
Of course, Hank is my knitting and reading sidekick. He sticks to me like glue most of the time.

*I use the first sleeve as a template for the second sleeve, so I’ll wait to block it until I get all the sleeve increases done on the second one.
I listened to The Gulag Archipelago years ago. Even though it was about 100 hours long, I stuck with it. Yay, me. Then last year I tried to listen to The Master and Margarita and only got about an hour or two into it before giving up. Russian fiction is not for me.
I like to knit sleeves two at a time when I can so that the decreases/increases match. I find I’m still not confident of them matching even when I take notes and put in bulb markers at the decreases.
Your sweater looks great. I may be inspired to knit a sweater some day soon!