That’s how many rows I have left on my current lace shawl in progress.

At this point, the public-side rows are taking close to an hour to knit. The yarn is very fine silk yarn, and it wants to jump off the needles any chance it gets.

The color is all off in that photo. This one is closer.

Of course, lace shawls don’t look like much until they are finished and blocked, so you can actually see the patterning.

And I had one little heart stopper moment when I set it down for about three-millionths of a second this morning. Hank has had his eye on that yarn ball all morning, and grabbed it and ran off, dragging the knitting behind him. Fortunately for him, no harm was done except for a bit of dog spit.

The pattern is the Elizabeth shawl, by Dee O’Keefe, and the yarn is silk lace, dyed by Lisa Souza.


Author: Lorette

My name is Lorette. I learned to knit in 1999, and took up spinning in 2009. I'm a physician specializing in internal medicine, and live in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy my blog!

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