…Is Now Over.
What can I say? I just forgot to blog. I checked out the date today, thinking I had just posted, oh, maybe a week ago, and it’s been three flipping weeks. And I don’t even have all that much knitting to show for it.
In categories:
I promised the “going home” photos from the bluegrass festival a month ago. I’m only posting these because they have knitting content, and this is, in fact, a knitting blog.
Those two photos are from Cape Horn, along the Columbia River. This is of Lewis & Clark fame, for those of you a little rusty on your explorer history. If you haven’t read it, find Undaunted Courage, by Stephen Ambrose, and learn all about their journey. It’s one of my all-time favorite books. I keep buying it, then forcing it on giving it away to people to read.
Home Remodeling:
The stucco/wood rot/deck rebuilding project is officially done. John is sorting through the multitudes of photos that we took, and when he gets them organized, I’ll post a link to the Photo Show that he’s doing, rather than boring everyone to tears here with them. We hung the huge set of wind chimes back up this week, and that marked the official end of the project. Here are two photos for you:
The neighbors all came over to properly launch the new deck, complete with several bottles of champagne.
Visiting Relatives:
We joke around here that there are two seasons in western Washington; the rainy one, and visiting relatives. John’s sister Ena and her daughter Molly were here for a week earlier this month. We actually enjoy having family and friends visit, as it gives us a chance to be tourists as well. We have lived here for six years, and had not visited the Mount St. Helens area previously. We spent the week eating and drinking, hanging out by the lake, and did a little foray down the road to see the volcano.
First, here’s “dogs on the deck”.
I don’t remember if I posted Rae’s picture before. She’s our neighbors’ Corgi, a little over a year old. She clearly thinks that’s her toy lamb. Riley just as clearly thinks it’s hers.
That gives you an idea of the weather here that week. It didn’t stop Ena from checking out the hammock.
Eating and drinking:
Waiting for the ferry (day trip to Vashon Island). Doesn’t everybody knit while in line for the ferry?
Volcano visiting:
That’s Ena and Molly.
It did occur to me that we might qualify for the Darwin Awards by standing within shouting distance of an active volcano. Hey, we’d have gotten great pictures of the blast.
In the category of Packing My Lunch:
I got a new bento box to carry my lunch to work in. It’s from Laptop Lunches, and is the cutest lunchbox I’ve ever seen:
In the Knitting Projects category, there are no photos. My projects look pretty much like they did a post or so back, plus a few rows. I’m working on it, OK?
In the Uh-Oh category, a co-worker pointed this out the other day. This is Birch, which I evidently caught on something sharp.
I caught the wayward loops with a safety pin, and will sit down to fix this once I’ve stopped howling.
Here’s another category for you. Showing You Yarn Finds That You Might Have Missed Otherwise:
Smiley’s has Cotton Ease on sale, and there might be some left, though clearly I tried to eliminate that possibility.
Last but not least, in the Weight Watchers category:
That little car isn’t moving very fast, but it’s at least headed in the right direction!