Before I get to the Roundup, however, check out the Yarn Harlot. Her post from yesterday articulated what I think a lot of us feel. But $10,879 in less than 24 hours?? This is an amazing, lovely thing. I sent my entire family and several friends an email that challenged them to give up their “wants” as well for the next week and donate the money to Doctors Without Borders, and referred them to Stephanie for inspiration and prodding. She said it much better than I can.
2004 was a good year on the knitting front for me. The best thing I did was to start a blog. After a few posts of “see what yarn I bought today”, I quickly realized that I better start knitting or nobody would come back to see what I was up to. This is not to say that I have quit shopping (I have not totally lost my mind), but the blog has kept me working on projects instead of letting them languish forever. It also makes me rip stuff out and do it better so I don’t have to show pictures of total crap.
Here is a list of what I finished this year:
An Aran baby blanket for John’s grandson Sam, AKA “cutest baby in the world”.
A vintage style matinee coat for my great niece, also born this year.
John’s sweater. I may be most proud of this one, as it took me the longest to finish.
The fizzy orange creamsicle scarf.
That damned ice blue sweater.
A goofball bucket hat.
The Audrey sweater.
Montego Bay socks.
Eggplant Hat.
I found a few more projects that I finished early on this year that I never put in the gallery until now.
I knit a hat for John.
And a simple shawl for me.
Now that I have it all in one place, it looks like a lot more knitting than I really thought I had done. One of my goals this year is to use up some of my yarn stash. I have a huge collection of sock yarn, as well as bags of yarn purchased to complete at least five or six sweaters. OK, maybe more. I would like to practice some of the finishing techniques so that my sweaters turn out looking a little more professionally done, and less like I drank a fifth of bourbon while sailing through the buttonbands.
And speaking of buttonbands, I am nearly done with the lavender sweater. I have finished the collar and the buttonband, and am in the middle of the buttonhole band. Then it will get the pee-wadding blocked out of it and be ready to wear.
Here you go:
And here is what the buttons look like. Of course, they won’t all be crowded up at the top of the sweater like that.
I am still working on the Birch shawl, though somewhat sporadically. And a pair of striped socks. Once I finish this sweater, I’ll show pictures of my progress on those two. I’m getting a terrible urge to start a new project as well, so I better finish this one soon!