Reward Challenge

All done except for  buttons.

I’ve been getting myself through the last bit of this with little rewards*. On Friday, John and I had the pleasure of meeting Jennifer AKA Major Knitter for dinner. We had a fine time, and she brought me a yarn** gift as a party favor.

Here’s the yarn:

That is 1600 meters of stunning lace weight yarn, enough for a huge shawl. And I have just the pattern for it.

I’ve had that shawl in my pattern library for years, waiting for the right moment and the right yarn. It is Longest Night, by Lori Law.

I’ve been rewarding myself for each little step of that baby sweater with a little teaser. I now have the pattern all set up in Knit Companion, ready to go when I sew on the last button. I don’t really “need” a new lace shawl on the needles right now, but I’m doing it anyway.

Jennifer and I did wear our Faery Ring sweaters to the restaurant. Here we are.

I’m off to sew buttons!

*Sort of like “Survivor”. “Wanna know what you’re playing for?”

**No, that doesn’t mean I fall off the Cold Sheep. Unsolicited yarn gifts don’t count. Now, if I gave my husband a list and said “why don’t you buy me a yarn gift”, THAT would end the no-buying streak.

Baby Sweaters


Why I’m Such A Slow Knitter

I’m still knitting those baby sweaters. I’ve finished the first one, and just have sleeves and a hood to finish for the second one.

You wouldn’t think that two worsted weight garter stitch baby sweaters would take this long to make.

I’ve been having some upper back problems for the past couple of months that are really getting on my last nerve. I don’t make a very good patient, since I’m not very “patient” with not feeling well. It finally got bad enough that I started getting regular massages, which are helping, but it’s been a slow recovery. My massage therapist isn’t one of those that gives you a feel-good spa massage. It’s deep tissue/muscle work, and I’m wiped out for a whole day afterwards. It is releasing the knotted (knitted?) up muscles though. I haven’t been able to be on my Peloton bike as often as I’d like either since it hurts. You have no idea how much THAT pisses me off.

I’ve been trying to be careful with how long I sit hunched over my knitting, so that’s my excuse for how long these sweaters are taking to finish.

Also, for those of you doubters out there, I made it to 90 days without yarn shopping a week ago. It’s actually been a little easier this time around. It helps that I dropped my work hours from 0.8 FTE to 0.6 FTE the first of the year. That obviously* correlates to a 20% salary drop, so I do have an incentive to shop from my very deep stash instead of the internet.

And in other news, I get to have dinner tonight with Jennifer AKA Major Knitter! She is flying in later today, and we’re picking her up and heading up to Seattle for dinner. We’re both planning on wearing our Faery Ring sweaters!

*That first paycheck after cutting back my hours was a bit of a reality check!


I do love knitting, including sewing seams. I’d rather sew pieces together than go through all the crazy contortions that some patterns have you do to avoid them.
This is the first of two baby sweaters. Our neighbors have new twin granddaughters, and I dug through the Cotton Ease box* and found two bright colors to make sweaters for them. The first one is done, other than the seams, and I’m putting a little hood on it.

In the category of knitting screw ups, can anyone spot the mistake here?

How about now?
Yup, I forgot to put in the buttonholes. I discovered this after I had the shoulders seamed and started putting in the first sleeve. I am NOT reknitting to fix it. I’ll sew the buttons on as decoration, and put snaps in.

That’s the second color.

We’re at Wintergrass again this weekend. So far it’s been a blast, although we are really happy that our room at the Hyatt is on a “quiet floor”. I love the banjos, but not so much at 2 AM.

*Why yes, I have a whole box of Cotton Ease, in the original bright colors. They don’t make this stuff anymore, so my grand stash plan is working!

Snow Day

We had a bit of snow last night, and since I'm off work today, I get to enjoy Snowmaggedon from the comfort of my own home.

In other news, I finished the Douglas Fir Hap shawl the day before yesterday. I'll get it blocked this weekend and do a photo shoot when it's dry.
Here's how the yarn chicken played out.
Less than a gram left. I ended up just doing the decreases on the tail end a bit faster. It won't show in the finished project, and was the easiest fix I could come up with, without ripping all the way back to before the decrease section and taking out a few repeats.
Happy Snow Day!


Yarn Chicken!

I've been very slowly working away on my Douglas Fir hap shawl.

The pattern is knit end to end. You cast on a small number of stitches (30 in this case), then increase a few stitches each repeat for awhile, then knit the center part for awhile, then decrease a few stitches each 12 row repeat until it's back to 30 stitches, then bind off.
This is one of those patterns that you can use any amount of yarn, you just have to calculate how much you'll need to do the decrease part.
You can see where this might be going, right?
I weighed, calculated, weighed and calculated some more, and waded in. I'm now well into the decrease section, and playing the REALLY fun game of Yarn Chicken.
I have 16 repeats left. The repeat before last took 2.6 grams of yarn. The last one took 2.4 grams of yarn.
I have 18.5 grams left.
Now I know the repeats are taking less yarn each time around, but I'm not seeing any way here that I'm not screwed. If I'm not screwed, it's going to be very close.
Four options:
1. Buy more yarn. I've had this in the works for so long that there isn't a prayer of finding the same dye lot. There are a lot of variations in dye lots in this particular yarn.
2. Rip back to before I started the increases.
3. Decrease at a little faster pace.
4. Just throw caution to the wind and knit faster, because we know THAT always works out.
1 and 2 really aren't options. I'll never find an exact match, and there isn't enough whisky on earth to make me rip out that much. 4 is probably delusional, though I'm going to stick in a life line where I am right now and forge ahead for a few more repeats.
Stay tuned.

Deep Stash, and the Joys of Rejects

I did a little stash reorganization last month. My entire stash is photographed and recorded in a database by numbered box, but it’s gotten pretty haphazard over the years. The boxes were mostly filled by vintage rather than type of yarn or project, and that had really started to bother me. So I dragged it all out and reorganized the whole mess. I found some real gems that I’d forgotten. I also culled out a small box full of stuff that I wanted to send off to Goodwill or somewhere else besides this house.

Predictably, I’ve already dragged two lots of yarn out of that reject box and started new projects. Here’s the first one.


The yarn is Sirdar Balmoral, it’s a lovely wool/alpaca/silk blend. I bought enough of it for a sweater. The first problem is that I don’t really need sweaters with alpaca in them, it’s too warm. The second problem is that color. I’m not sure what I was thinking. Actually I do, the color name is Corgi. There you go. Lewey says it doesn’t look anything like him.

But it’s nice yarn, despite the color. And it’s been discontinued. And it wasn’t all that cheap. So I pulled it off the top of the reject pile and started a shawl. I figure I can overdye it when it’s knit up. It’s way more than a shawl’s worth, but I’ll either put the leftovers back in the reject box, or make mittens or something out of it. This is Cheryl Oberle’s Wool Peddler shawl.

The second “reject” is for John. He saw this and thought it was ridiculous to get rid of perfectly good “guy” sock yarn. This is Lang Jawoll superwash sock yarn, the color looks like a black tartan plaid.


That one is really deep stash, I don’t have a purchase date, but I probably got that not too long after I learned to knit (1999). I guess it’s probably time I used it. And John has been hinting around for a pair of socks for him. I’m not sure why it went into the discard box, it’s actually quite nice to knit with. It’s a nice, basic sock yarn, and has a bonus spool of reinforcing thread in the middle of the skein for the heels and toes.

I’ll let you know if any of the other reject yarn turns into projects in the future. It’s pretty tough to actually toss out useable yarn, even if I have enough to last well into my next lifetime.

I’ll leave you with a cat photo. Will and Zoe are getting along pretty well.


Fritz’s Baby Blanket

As promised, I’m finally getting around to posting a “Finished Project” update. I finished this right before we left on vacation in September, and then just forgot about posting.

Project Details:

Pattern: Quill, by Jared Flood

Yarn:  Frolicking Feet sock yarn, Sapphire Blue

Needles: 3.75mm

Started: 4/29/16

Finished: 9/6/16

For: my grandnephew Fritz

Modifications: none

What I Learned: Babies sometimes get born early. Starting knitting now.

This was a well done pattern, instructions clear and straightforward. This would be pretty in a lace weight yarn as well.

And more photos.



In other news, for some reason I’ve started to get blog comments emailed to me, at least sometimes. We’ll see.

Knitting Done!

I finished the edging on the Blue Blue Blue Baby Blanket late last night. I decided to save the grafting bit until daylight when I was rested (I know, an uncharacteristic decision for me).

Grafting went quickly and here it is.

Not blocked, but done, done, done!

I have to get it in the mail on Thursday if it's getting out of here before our vacation, so I'm off to soak the thing. We'll see if it dries in time.



Willie thinks he's helping.

The knitting marathon continues for Baby Fritz's Blisteringly Blue Baby Blanket. It's a big square, with a knitted on edging that consists of eleventy billion repeats of the same 12 row pattern. I have finished 2 sides of the square as of this morning. I started the edging just a few days ago, so I should be on track to finish this hopefully later this week, barring some major knitting screw up, like cats “helping”.

Here's another photo of Fritz.

Awwww. I think he looks a lot like his daddy in that photo.

And like all good knitting marathons, this one is involving major television watching. I started rewatching Game of Thrones earlier this week, I'm one episode short of finishing the first season.

It's too bad Will and Zoe can't knit, that would really be a big help.




Knit Faster, Lorette!

He's here! My grand nephew was born a few weeks early. Parents and baby are all fine.

His name is Fritz Samuel Meske. His grandpa, my brother, was named Samuel Fritz, after HIS grandfather. My baby brother Sam died in a house fire in 2001, but he is no doubt up in heaven beaming on this little boy and his parents.

He's adorable, right? He deserves a baby blanket!

I was right on track to finish this about 2 weeks from now. So we're now into marathon TV knitting. I have the body and border done, and “just” have the edging left to knit. I'm not quite half way done, I did one whole side of the edging yesterday. I think I can finish the rest this coming week. We're headed out of town for a few weeks in September, so the drop dead finish date has to be enough before that so I can get it blocked and mailed.

Back to knitting!


More Time For Knitting

John and I bought an Instant Pot a month or so ago, and LOVE it. We had a traditional stove top pressure cooker that we've used for years, and have upgraded that once or twice over time to better technology. We eat a lot of beans and lentil-y kinds of things, so a pressure cooker really comes in handy.

We finally decided to cave and replace the one-pony-show stovetop thing with this. You can sauté in it, pressure cook, and slow cook, though we haven't used it for that yet. It makes hard boiled eggs like nobody's business. Once you set it, you can walk away and not worry about leaving a pressure cooker on an open flame.

Today's feature is bean soup. The place I buy most of my dried beans and legumes from is Purcell Mountain Farms. They have a huge variety, they are fresh, and the beans are impeccably clean. We eat a lot of beans, so it matters to me where they come from.

This started with a pound of their Paris Bistro Mix.


Lorette's Paris Inspired Bean Soup

1 Pound mixed beans/legumes/grains

Chopped yellow onion, about a cup, but whatever. If you have half of a big onion use it, or all of a smaller onion. Leeks would be good, too.

Olive oil, for sautéing (or your favorite substitute, we often use avocado oil for this)

Some Garlic. I used 2 big cloves. Your mileage may vary. This was for me to freeze for work lunches, so I didn't want to overdo it.

Sliced celery. Again, I used about a cup. As you might notice, I'm not big on specifics.

Carrots, peeled, cut in half lengthwise, and sliced. About the same amount. You can vary all of these by what you have. ***

A small bell pepper, diced, this was a purple one I had in the fridge from last week's farmers market foray.

A handful of fresh herbs, chopped. This had parsley, marjoram, thyme, and oregano from our patio herb garden. And a bay leaf.

Pepper, fresh ground. To taste. I like pepper, so a big hearty couple teaspoons, sometimes I use more.

A half a can of diced tomatoes, more or less, partly drained. Freeze the other half of the can for the next batch of beans.

1 32 ounce box of chicken stock

1/2-3/4 cup of white wine, or vermouth

1/2 lemon, juiced

Salt, again, to taste. See below for comments on salt.

Water. You want enough to cover the beans by at least 2-3 inches, but don't overfill the pot. The pot should not be more than 2/3 full.

You could use all stock, or all water. I tend to use a mix of both, since canned and boxed chicken stock is pretty salty.

Sauté the onion, celery, and pepper in some oil. Add the other ingredients, bring to a simmer. Change your settings to the pressure setting, and put your lid on etc based on your cooker's instructions.

Bring up to pressure, cook for 20-25 minutes. This will vary depending on the bean varieties you pick. The Purcell Paris Bistro blend took 23 minutes at pressure to all get soft. If you're not sure, go a few minutes low and do a quick release to check. I hate mushy beans, especially if they are going into the freezer.

Quick release, taste, add more time if you need to.

I'm not going to get into whether you should salt beans before you start cooking, at the end, or somewhere in between. When I cook them on the stove top, I tend to add the salt about 3/4 of the way through the cooking time. It's more fidgety to do that with a pressure cooker. I'm not 100% convinced that adding salt at the beginning is a bad thing, especially if your beans aren't from five years ago. And it changes the flavor when you add it just at the end, like a lot of seasoning. Since this was the first time I did this mix in the IP, I started at 18 minutes, it wasn't quite done, so added the salt and did another 5 minutes. The canned tomatoes and chicken stock add some salt, so take that into account.

I didn't soak these beans, since most of these were pretty small so I didn't bother. If you are using bean varieties that are larger, I'd probably soak.

And there you have it. Bean soup! I'll portion this out into serving size containers, and freeze for my lunches****.

Four for the freezer, and a larger one for me to eat this week!

***Other veggies work too, and you could do potatoes, or add some rice or pasta at the end. If you are using softer veggies, I'd cook the beans, release, add the stuff that doesn't take much cooking, then cook on the sauté setting until those were done. Since I'm freezing this for lunch food, I don't usually add stuff that turns to mush in the freezer.

****Of course, there won't be wine with my work lunches. Drat.


September 7th


Blazing Blue Behemoth


The pressure is on. This is for my soon-to-be-born great nephew, who is due to make his debut on September 7th.

I have 20 rows (lonnnng rows-there will be 600 stitches on the needle at that point) of the center square knit in the round, then 600 edging rows, averaging about 14 stitches per row.

Knit faster, Lorette!

Send whisky, I might need it.


Well, This is Going To Be Fun


Please Send Whisky

I was moving right along on the Eerily Electrifyingly Blue Baby Project. We took a trip to the Olympia Farmers’ Market today to stock up. I shoved it in my bag to knit on the way.

Then this happened.


Well, just screw this, I say. I’m close to the end of the first skein of this, I’m tempted to just cut it off and try to unravel it later if I need it. But if I NEED it, it will end up being on the knitted on edging. This thing is one of those (secret until the baby is born) three part projects: big center thing knit flat, then pick up stitches and knit a bunch in the round until I have a million stitches, then an endless lace knitted on edge. I really wouldn’t want to have to splice in more yarn at that point. So I’ll pour some whisky and get it unraveled.

Here’s another photo with the famous Batdorf and Bronson* goats.


I was hoping they’d help, but no such luck. And after all, this just wouldn’t be The Knitting Doctor without knitting screw-ups and whisky, would it?

*For the longest time, I couldn’t remember the company name, even though we buy their coffee all the time. So we started calling it Batman and Robin, which it has remained.

Officially Summer Patio Season!

We did a little planting this weekend. We have a nice sheltered patio in the front of our house, with space for lots of potted plants.


We spent a little time yesterday and today getting things sorted, old pots cleaned out, and finished planting most of the herbs, along with tomatoes, a few bell peppers, and one little cucumber plant. And some flowers.

We still have several pots to get done, but it was a good way to spend a couple of sunny afternoons outside. And now time for the reward!

Happy Memorial Day!