Good Grief

It’s been over a month. I have no excuse. Well, I do, but they are all lame.

Let’s just do a Project Roundup, shall we? It’s been so long that even I’ve forgotten what I’m knitting.


Oldest first, those dog mittens. I just need to sit down and finish these already.


This too. It would be very lovely to wear this summer, don’t you think? That beaded border–what can I say? It’s boring.

All of the rest of the WIPS are at least from the past year. Here’s John’s sweater. I have a little to finish on this piece, then just knit the sleeves already and I’m done.



Socks. And more socks.



I’m finding Color Affection very amusing at this point. The ivory and pale grey was getting on my nerves, then I got to that scarlet, and it was a whole new project. Short rows are fun! Not boring!


Last but not least, that Cathedral Stole. After I did a real swatch, I ended up not ripping it all out and starting over. I like the slightly more open lace in this yarn. It is mohair, so tends to fuzz up a bit and obscure the lace if it is knit too tightly.

Then there is Will.


He is not a WIP, but he was very interested in my knitting. I turned my back for a second and he was trying to paw the Evenstar lace into a cat bed. He almost became a RIP.

In other news, I’m back to 90 days on the Cold Sheep no-yarn-buying plan.


I had a near-miss yesterday while surfing the internet. Ravelry is very dangerous. I did manage to step away from the credit card just in time. On to 120 days.

You Guys Are A Big Help

OK, most of you said “rip that sucker and knit it over on the smaller needles”.  One or two said “leave it the way it is”. One person said “I’d use a LARGER needle”.

And a few basically said “who cares, do whatever you like”.

Damn. I ended up taking the smaller needle and knitting a real swatch. When I started this, I knitted a few repeats of the center of the lace pattern, decided I liked it, and knit away. I never really did finish a “proper” swatch, with washing and everything. I should really know better, especially with this yarn. It has a bit of a fuzzy finish, and it is mohair, so it’s very different from other lace yarns I’ve used.


Ignore the fact that the pattern is a bit off. I just did the center repeat section, and in the real entire lace chart, there are rows where that repeat borrows a stitch across markers across the row, so it doesn’t line up exactly in the swatch. But washing it and pinning it out, even in a “down and dirty” fashion, did even it out a lot. Also, this mohair doesn’t behave the way merino would, not surprisingly. It doesn’t hold the blocking the same way, so those holes collapse a bit when it’s unpinned.

I’ll wait till it dries to decide, but I’m thinking the lighter, “holier” look is going to work better with this yarn. I’m glad I didn’t rip, at least not yet.

Knitting is such an adventure!

Ravelry Queue

I’m finally getting around to going through all the fine pattern suggestions you guys left on the contest post. I’m not even close to being finished looking at them, but here are a few of my (mostly) new-to-me favorites so far.

2011 KALendar shawl, by Carmen Oliveras. I linked one of the finished shawls, since there isn’t a photo on the main project page.

Claire’s Shawl, by Amanda Gill. Being an Outlander fan, I’ll have to make this one. I do think Claire would likely have worn something more practical and warm, however.

Recess for Grownups Mittens, by Annie Watts; very cute!

Sugared Violets shawl, by Rose Beck. I’m saving up patterns for fingering weight small shawls. It’s a great way to use up all that sock yarn I have.

Firmaments Lace Shawl, by Bonnie Sennott. I actually have the pattern for this one already. And y’all know I have the yarn.

Occhielli Cowl, by Connie Seibert. This would be great to use up those oddball skeins of yarn I collect.

Ok, that’s enough of those for one day. That’s only from about a half dozen of the comments. I’ve added all of those to my Ravelry favorites, which is getting very long indeed. I just need to plan to live to 140.

I am SO ready for nice weather to really get here. We had a lovely day yesterday, I think it actually hit 70 for a few seconds, and it was sunny most of the day. Today it’s back in the 50’s, we had a moment of sunshine, and now it’s cloudy and probably going to rain again. Again. I am so sick of rain, we had the wettest March on record around here. But the tulips and daffodils have bloomed, and the ducks have paired up on the lake and baby ducks can’t be far behind. Willie found his first baby bunny of the season yesterday. He has been cooped up inside all winter and is just getting owly about it. We really did try to make him be an indoor cat, but we finally caved and put in a cat door after he literally tore holes in every last one of our screens digging out. A few dead baby bunnies is a small price to pay, and we’d actually be overrun by bunnies if it weren’t for their few predators.

That’s all for today. I worked the weekend, so had yesterday and today off, I head back to work tomorrow. Here’s what’s on my agenda this afternoon:


I’m still taking a weekly flute lesson, which I absolutely adore. It’s challenging to find the time to practice, but I am making it happen. One of the local universities has a Community Music Program to teach music to non-credit students. Most of my teacher’s students are high school age, though the program overall teaches everyone from little kids to retirees. Oh, here’s a link. It’s a fabulous program for our community. I’m off to practice! My lesson is tonight, my etude is a mess, and the duet sounds experimental at best. And forget the solo, I sound like a screech owl. But I am having fun, so that counts, right?

Ten Years! Free Yarn!

That “free yarn” in the title always draws out the lurkers!

So it’s been a whole decade since I’ve been sharing my knitting, spinning, goofy knitting mistakes, cooking, and traveling, along with a lot of other fun along the way. It’s actually fun to go back through and read old entries to remind me of all that’s gone on around here in the last decade.

In honor of all of you sticking around for so long, there will be free yarn. LOTS of free yarn. I mentioned cake before, but couldn’t figure out how to upload that, so you “just” get yarn.

The contest rules? All you need to do is tell me your top FOUR knitting patterns. It can be for shawls, one-skein wonders, socks, whatever. It doesn’t have to be something you have knit before, it could be on your “want to do eventually” list, or even “love it but will never knit it” list. Go crazy, surprise me!

I’ll let this run until the end of the weekend, so let’s say you have until Sunday March 30th at midnight Pacific time. Then I’ll draw a winner at random. Your entry has to have FOUR different knitting patterns mentioned in order to qualify.

Want to know what you’re playing for? I thought so. Here’s a selection of My Pretties from the stash.

Door Number 1:


First up is a skein of Jitterbug sock yarn in Lagoon, a skein of Yarntini sock yarn in Gin, and Zauberball sock yarn in Cranberries. Each is enough for a pair of socks.



Behind Door Number 2 is a package with the following; a skein of Online Supersocke in Sierra, a skein of Yarntini sock in Sangria, and hiding behind those two is a skein of Lorna’s Laces Solemate, in Christmas at Downton. Each of these is also enough for a pair of socks.

Door Number 3:


This is a whole big pile of Ironstone Infinity ribbon yarn. The color isn’t named, but the photo is pretty true on my monitor. There are 9 skeins, a total of about 1400 yards.

Last but not least, Door Number 4:


Two skeins of Blue Moon Fiber Arts Bambu, this is 800 yards total, 100% bamboo in the color Henpecked.

The winner will get to choose ONE of those four packages! And I get to put the other three packages back in the stash (my precccciiiooouuusssss).

As a disclaimer, all of these are complete skeins and have been lovingly stored, but they do live in a house with assorted cats, dogs, and dust bunnies. If you are deathly allergic to any of those pets, take this as your only warning.

In Which Knitting Actually Occurs

Oops. Forgot to blog again!

I have been knitting some, though the other hobbies have sort of overrun things around here (fluting and spinning for example). I still have all the same projects on the needles, let’s just highlight one for today, OK?


OK, so maybe that’s really highlighting Will more than the project, but I couldn’t get him to move. There was one little square of sunlight on the floor and he was not about to get off it just so I could take a photo. He gave me the stink eye, licked his butt, and then just stayed there, so I decided he might as well be in the picture.

Color Affection is coming along. So far it’s just oatmeal grey and off white, but I’m so easily entertained that oatmeal grey and off white delight me to no end. This is another one of those projects where you sail along for a while, gaily thinking “If I keep up this pace, I’ll finish this soon!”. Then you realize that for the section you are on (the grey and white stripes), it’s a 4 row repeat and with every repeat you add 10 more stitches to each row. I’m now at 187 stitches on the needles and have 8 more of those grey/white stripe sections, which means 267 stitches per row by the time I get to add that zingy red. I’ll be good and sick of long rows of oatmeal and white by then.

All the other projects look pretty much the same as when you last saw them. Socks are bigger by a bit, and I haven’t touched Evenstar in weeks. I did get quite a bit of John’s Peace Fleece sweater done at Wintergrass, but it still looks like a big purple-blue rectangle, so I’m not getting up to show you a photo.

On the Cold Sheep front, I had another little slip off the sheep last week. Peace Fleece got in some lovely lace yarn hand spun by women in Tajikistan. They had a nice little story to go with the yarn about how these women spin yarn to help feed and clothe their families. One skein provides enough money for them to buy a chicken, a loaf of bread, or a kilogram of potatoes. Tell me you could resist that.


Let’s just say I bought enough for a nice chicken dinner complete with potatoes and bread for the whole family. When you put it that way, it doesn’t sound so bad, right? Here’s another photo to help you decide.


That’s a pretty accurate representation of the color in that last photo. It’s the color of beautiful glowing rubies. Ruby Slippers, perhaps. So I’m now back at Day 8 of the No Yarn Buying, and not a bit sorry. This will be a very pretty shawl for me me me.

Last but not least, this week marks a special anniversary around Chez Knitting Doctor. I’ve been blogging for nearly a decade, can you imagine that? There might be cake and prizes later this week, so stay tuned.

That Time Of Year Again


Wintergrass! Of course we have weekend festival passes. The bluegrass fun starts tonight, though my husband double booked us with Seattle Symphony tickets for tonight, so we’ll do that tonight and switch to bluegrass tomorrow. Some of my favorites are back this year, including Väsen, a terrific group from Sweden. But every year there are always new-to-me groups that soon become favorites as well.

I haven’t showered yet today, my office is a mess, I haven’t figured out what I’m taking to Seattle with me, I have paperwork left to do from yesterday’s clinic*, but I do have my knitting packed. Why would you even ask that?

Speaking of knitting, of course I could not resist the siren song of the Color Affection.


Just in case I’m the second-to-the-last person on earth to have started one of these (over 11,000 listed on the Ravelry pattern page!), this is knit in 3 sections plus a solid edging. The first section will be grey, the second section will be stripes of the grey and white, and the third stripes of all three colors (the red is hiding up there). The edging will be red. I have enough of this started that it should be mindless plain garter stitch for the most part. And I have two pairs of plain plain socks in progress, and that plain plain plain Old Friend sweater for John that is still in progress. That should be plenty of plain knitting for the festival.

I also did get that crazy mitten restarted and knit back up to where I had to rip it all out. Here it is.


I doubt this will be festival knitting, but it might be morning coffee knitting for the weekend.

And on a melancholy note, today is the first anniversary of the date we lost our sweet Riley. We still miss her terribly, though letting Lewey be an only pup has been the best thing that’s happened to him. He’s turned into a real sweetheart. He cracks us up daily with his goofiness. I suspect Wintergrass will be a little more fun this year for us than it was last year. Great Big Fun, as one of John’s grandkids says.

Off to get packing for the weekend. I might post from the festival, if not, I’ll be back after the last banjo (or nyckelharpa, or whatever) is hung up for the weekend.

*I normally get my clinic work done while I’m actually in clinic. Yesterday after lunch we all got tossed out of the building after there was a chemical (phenol) spill across the hall from us in the family practice clinic. We all got evacuated and sent home for the rest of the day. Weird way to get a half a day off.


Oh Damn It

I’ve been trying to get some of these WIPs done before starting anything new. I worked on Evenstar yesterday and got a couple repeats done on the edging.

Today’s project is the Dog Mittens. This is my oldest WIP, started back in 2008. Good grief. I finished the first mitten not too long ago, and had knit about an inch on the cuff of the second. I spent most of the morning today knitting off and on, and finally stopped to take a photo.


Pretty, eh? I’m all the way to the point of putting in the waste yarn bit where the thumb will go. I thought to myself (with some hubris-beware of the hubris, the knitting gods hate that) “I might even finish these this weekend!”

You can see where this is headed, right?

Then I had the bright idea to haul out the first mitten to compare.


Click on that if you can’t tell what’s wrong. I had to dig back through my blog archives to figure this one out. On the first mitten, I held the white yarn in  my left hand and the dark blue yarn in my right. I apparently missed this point when I started the second mitten and switched them around. There is enough of a difference that it would bug me forever.

Damn damn damn. Out it came.


And here we go again. White on the left, dark blue on the right. As it should be.

Is it too early in the day for whisky?


AKA, I actually finished something.


Project Details:

Pattern: Alexandra, by Dee O’Keefe
Yarn: My own handspun. The fiber is merino/silk/firestar, Abby’s Batts. There was about 600 yards of it, I still have a bit left.
Needles: 3.25mm Chiaogoo Lace circulars
Started: January 5 this year
Finished: February 17 this year
For: Me!

What I Learned: My handspun isn’t bad to knit with! This was spun back in 2009, and I wasn’t a very experienced spinner. It is mostly fingering weight, and there were only a few places where I had to splice out a bit that was too weird to knit with. It blocked nicely.

I also learned that it needn’t take me 4 years to finish something. This is likely the only thing I’ll finish during the Olympics, but I still have hopes that one day I’ll finish Evenstar. Here’s what it looks like today. As usual, click on the photos to embiggen.


For those of you keeping track, I started this in 2010. It’s a huge circular shawl, with an attached knitted on border (knitted perpendicularly to the main shawl body). I have 34 repeats left. Each repeat is 20 rows and has 50 beads knitted in. The edging is dead simple, but of course I have to pay attention because of the beads.

In other news, I fell off that no-shopping sheep this past weekend. I sort of knew it would happen. There was a big fiber festival in town (Madrona). My friend Dorothy came to visit and we took a couple of classes, which were fabulous. We also shopped. I probably would have held out if it weren’t for the Toots LeBlanc booth. They had some of their lovely lace weight jacob/alpaca/mohair blend, which can be hard to find. And it was HALF OFF people. Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same. There might have been a few other things that fell off the shelf and landed in my shopping bag. Then I slipped and on the way to the floor, my credit card went through the card reader. It was totally an accident. I’m not taking photos of any of it to show you.

So now we’re back to square one. It’s now THREE days since I last bought yarn. I made it to 125 days last time. Let’s see how long I hold out this time.

Back to Reality

I have to say, it’s good to be home. Even with work, and chores, and no rum drinks, it’s always nice to get back home. Hawaii was lovely, but so is where I live.

I’m madly trying to finish up a few things before the Ravellenic games begin, coinciding with the start of the Winter Olympics. I almost decided not to participate this year. The original 2014 Ravelry group for the knitting version of the Olympics blew up rather spectacularly in mid January. It always amazes me how a bunch of apparently intelligent adults can act like such spoiled middle schoolers. Admittedly I didn’t read the whole gazillion-pages-long drama, but I can’t imagine people acting like this in real life.

Anyway, I’m pretty much going to be knitting WIPs during the Olympics. I want to try to get as much of that Evenstar border done as possible, and as a reward, I might just cast on something new. We’ll see. I have Color Affection in my sights for the next big thing.

And a dilemma. I have yarn in two separate color combos that I bought for this pattern.  Here they are:

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That’s option 1. It’s Swan’s Island Merino. Cream, Oatmeal, and Garnet.

Here’s Option 2:

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Those three are Verdant Gryphon Eidos sock yarn. Jade Emperor, Medusa, and Wen Chang.

Decisions, decisions. I’ll do both eventually, but which first? Any votes?

In other news, I’m working away at my newest shawl. Never mind that I should be working away at one of my ancient WIPS. I’m all about new and shiny.


I figure I’m about 40% done with this. I’m hoping to have this finished by the time the Olympics start. A nice long football game tomorrow might help.*

Last but definitely not least, I’m still on that Cold Sheep plan. 112 days without yarn buying. I got a lovely email out of the blue from the Three Irish Girls yarn people. I used to be in her sock yarn club, but quit after awhile when it was apparent that her plan of sending me yarn for a new pair of socks every month didn’t match up with my plan of knitting two pairs of socks a year.

Anyway, I followed the links to her website. Pretty! New colors that I don’t have! Wow!

Then it occurred to me that I probably still have some Three Irish Girls club sock yarn in the stash. Here is a screenshot of that page in the Bento Database That Never Lies. Click to get your Three Irish Girls fix.

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Enough Three Irish Girls yarn for 23 pairs of socks, as well as over a thousand yarns of that pretty wine colored stuff in the upper right, destined for a shawl.

Whew. That was close.

*Go ‘Hawks!


We’ve been in Hawaii all week, but I just haven’t gotten around to posting about it. I have been taking photos, though. We’ve had a great time, it’s good to get out of the gloom that is the Pacific NW this time of year. We leave for home and reality tomorrow. For today, I’m going to enjoy every moment of this tropical paradise. Here are some photos.


A nice sunset, one of several.


That’s a monkey pod tree. I think the canopy against the sky looks like lace.


John just having fun, drinking something that looks radioactive.


Jurassic Park! Actually it’s the Allerton Botanical Gardens, but this is the tree in the movie where the little girl found the dinosaur eggs.


The Spouting Horn.




And of course some knitting! Aloha!

Holy Moley!


337,666 meters is a lot of yarn!

Those aren’t actually the exact words I used this week, but I figured I’d try to keep the public swearing to a minimum around here.

I mentioned my Just Knit It campaign a few posts back. As part of that, I joined a Ravelry group called Stash Knit Down. I got inspired to update my yarn database, and have spent the past few weeks digging through boxes and reorganizing a bit, deleting yarns I’ve used or given away, adding a few that hadn’t been accounted for.

Then I copied the meterage into a spreadsheet and added it all up.

337,666 meters. That’s 201 miles of yarn, people.That includes about 11,000 meters of handspun, but STILL.

Holy Moley, indeed.

So I’m not only in the Stash Knit Down group, I’m Cold Sheeping, meaning I’m buying no yarn for awhile. I’m at 89 days so far, and counting. Tomorrow I get my 90-day badge.



And I’ve started a few new things to celebrate. (From stash!! Go figure!!)


This is my Alexandra Shawl, a pattern by Dee O’Keefe. The cool thing is that yarn is my handspun, vintage 2009. Please ignore all the dog and cat hair on my carpet.

Here are a few old photos of the yarn in progress and done.




There’s about 550 meters of that, which will definitely help decrease that big number up there.

And I started another sock. No, I haven’t finished the last pair. Sue me.



Mountain Colors Weaver’s Wool Quarters, in Crazy Woman, which I find somewhat fitting.

How about all of you? Anybody else dare to post their yarn meter/yard totals? Anybody else need to go Cold Sheep on buying yarn?

22 Little Clouds, Finished!

Well, this one’s been finished for awhile, I just never got around to getting a photo of it. Here you go.


All pinned out!

And done!



Project Details:

Pattern: 22 Little Clouds
Needles: Chiaogoo circulars, size 3.75
Yarn: Classic Elite Inca Alpaca, deep olive brown, 4 skeins. From Deep Stash, Bin #1. I used almost all of it
For: Me.
What I Learned: I’m discovering the joy of small projects. Instant gratification! I started this on December 8th and finished on the 13th. It’s actually a few more than 22 clouds around the edge, since I made it a bit bigger to use up as much yarn as possible. This is a terrifically easy pattern, perfect for knitting in a meeting where you are supposed to be paying attention. It would be good TV knitting. I’ll wear this one a lot.

22 Little Clouds

I promised a new project. This is yet another pile of incredibly soft and warm alpaca out of Stash Box 1.


That’s 4 skeins of Classic Elite Inca Alpaca, in a shade of brown that is close to coffee with just a splash of cream. I started this Sunday, and I’m about to finish.



The pattern is “22 Little Clouds”, a free scarf/shawl pattern by Martina Behm. It’s a simple triangular stockinette scarf, but with a doubling of the stitches for the border so it makes ruffles. I increased the size a bit since I wanted to use all of the yarn, so this adds up to over 600 stitches to bind off.

Tomorrow is the last day of this marathon conference, which is a good thing. I’m not sure I can stuff any more facts into my brain before stuff starts falling out the other side. We leave late tomorrow to head for home, then back to work next week to apply all of this new knowledge.

By the way, everybody wish Lewey a happy birthday! Tomorrow is his seventh birthday. We brought him home to his “forever home” 6 years ago. Here’s what he looked like in the car on the way home:


Happy Birthday, little buddy!

Done Done Done!


Project Details:

Creamy Alpaca Warm Neck Thing

Pattern: Lacy Baktus
Needles: Vintage faux tortoise shell straights, 4.00 mm
Yarn: Classic Elite Inca Alpaca, cream, 3 skeins. From Deep Stash, Bin #1
For: Well, me. But John put it around his neck and thinks that it would be just the thing for roaming around the streets of Boston this week. Though he refused to let me take a modeling photo, so I don’t know. I think it’s still technically mine.
What I Learned:
1: It’s great to knit out of stash!
2: I really hate doing posts on my iPad! Really. It sucks.
3: Conferences are terrific for finishing things. I was the only one that was knitting, in a room of a couple hundred people. No wonder they were all dozing off.

Next up: the BROWN alpaca from the same bin. Stay tuned to see what it will be!

Green Jeans Sweater

Another one off the needles!


Project Details:

Pattern: Corduroy, by Lisa Lloyd, from her book A Fine Fleece
Yarn: Araucania Nature Wool Solids
Needles: 4.00 mm
Started: May 1, 2012
Finished: December 1, 2013
For: Me!
Modifications: Not a thing, other than some creative row counting on the sleeve decreases. They are mostly the same length, so it’s all good. (They really are, though you couldn’t tell by that photo. That’s me, slouching in defiance of that charm school I apparently never went to.)
What I Learned: It takes me forever to knit a sweater. Ok, ok, I already knew that.

I really like this one. I still think a drop shoulder sleeve isn’t the most flattering for most people, but boy is this comfortable. I was a bit iffy on the yarn variegation, but once it was done I like it. I predict that this will get a lot of wear, especially since we’re hitting record freezing temperatures in the Pacific NW.

So what do you do if it’s blasted freezing where you live?? Well, if you’re apparently an idiot, you plan a medical conference for a week in December to somewhere even colder. We leave tomorrow for Boston, where this time of year can be a little dicey as far as weather. Although the forecast for Boston actually looks warmer than here for this coming week. We’ll see. I’m packing that sweater.