
We’ll get to the “ack!” later. The sister visit was great. Unfortunately all the good photos are on John’s computer, and I’m too lazy to go down and get them. We drank a lot, ate a lot, saw a few of the local sites, and for a change, had a bit of sunshine around here. Very little knitting got done, though I did get some spinning done. Here are a few photos.

I showed this before, but I finally got it washed and recorded the details. Again, this is Targhee wool, about 12 ounces of fiber, spun on the wheel. It turned out to be a heavy worsted weight, about 10 WPI, and around 1040 yards. This is going to make some nice warm mittens and hats. John gets the first set, and anything left will be mittens and perhaps a hat for me.

The next stuff is the fiber that I showed you in progress last time.

This is a BFL-silk blend from Wolf Creek Wools. I spun this on the wheel as well, and it is about 20 WPI, about a light sport weight by the time I got it plied. I had 4 oz of fiber to start with, it ended up being about 280 yards. I think this will be a lovely cowl, or perhaps some nice mitts or hand warmers. Or I might just keep it on my desk and pet it.

The next is the “ack!” part. I’m still working on that mystery electric baby blue thing. I’m at the point where I need to pick up a gazillion stitches around the edges. I sat down to do this while the sisters were here, and ripped out the picked up stitches about 4 times before I decided it needed a time out. The pattern as I’m adjusting it calls for picking up 128 stitches on each edge, I just couldn’t get this done without ending up with more or less than I was supposed to have. I suppose there could have been vodka involved, but still. This really isn’t a difficult task. I picked it up again today, and realized that instead of just wading in and picking up stitches willy-nilly, I should divide the edge in quarters with markers, it makes it easier to see when I’ve gotten off track. I got one side done at the salon today, and it should get done a little more easily from here. Here’s a teaser photo.

They just don’t make Cotton Ease in those great blinding colors any more.

I’m off to get a few chores done. We have tickets to a concert tonight at the Seattle Zoo, so I need to get it in gear. Later!

Sometimes The Spammers Are Right

I sometimes glance through the comments that get tossed in the “spam” folder, just to see what the latest is. The current batch was largely in Russian, so who knows. Here was one that got my attention:

Well made blog :) great at expressing yourself.. Now all you gotta do is update update update!

Well, no kidding. I guess I better do just that.

Let’s hit the weather first and get that over with. We had about 2 days of summer this past week, and it’s in the high 60’s today, though it looks suspiciously like it’s trying to rain. Crap crap crappity crap. So far the pattern is that if I’m working, the weather is great, if I’m off, it generally sucks. I have a boatload of relatives coming this next weekend, so hopefully we’ll impress them with some nice weather. My sisters and their spouses are coming Saturday and staying a week, so there will lots of laughs, shopping, drinking and eating going on. And perhaps a rousing Mexican train tournament if it rains and we have to stay inside.

Next up, spinning. Let’s just say I haven’t done much this week. I do have some photos of a couple of things, one done, one in progress. Here’s the done stuff.

The spun yarn will be knit into something for John. He laid claim to this when he saw it spun up. It’s one of the monthly fiber shipments from Spunky Eclectic, and it’s Targhee wool, the color is named Flannel. It is nice and squishy soft, and not scratchy at all. I haven’t gotten around to weighing this and figuring out the yardage, but it’s probably a heavy worsted weight. I’m thinking mittens and a hat, there might be enough left for mittens for me as well, there was 8 ounces of the fiber to start with.

Here’s what is on Seamus, the wheel.

Pretty, isn’t it? The fiber is from Wolf Creek Wools, which sort of cracks me up. The shop, Sweetgrass Wool, is outside Helena, Montana, about 3 miles from the house I lived in there. Of course it wasn’t a fiber or yarn shop then. And I was neither a knitter or spinner then, so it wouldn’t probably have made any difference to me at the time. The fiber is 75% Blue Face Leicester and 25% tussah silk, color is Wild Berry. This is spinning up beautifully. I have about 4 ounces of it, so it will be a little scarf or neck warmer or something girly.

On the knitting front, no photos. You guessed it, still the Electric Blue Imaginary Baby Thing. Poor little Jace will be unwrapping this at his grade school graduation at the rate I’m going with it. Maybe it can be converted into a backpack or something. And I’m not knitting anything else much at all, so nothing to see here. Move along.

I almost forgot, we went to a Mariners baseball game on Friday. It was part of a late birthday present from last year for John & I from his kids. I did take the sock to knit, and impressed a kid that looked about 6 or 7, and got a “cool!” out of him when I showed him it would be a sock. Unfortunately John was in charge of taking the sock-at-the-ballpark photo, and for some reason that escapes me, deleted it from his camera. The home team lost dismally, but it was a glorious evening, and we had good seats in the front row down the third base line, and it was all good. John’s son and daughter put together a terrific picnic lunch that was far better than the usual ball park food. Here are a couple of photos.

It looks like a good time was had by all.

That’s all folks, I’m off to work on the Imaginary Electric Blue Baby Grade School Gift.

Umm, Yeah, About The Blog

Oops, I forgot to blog again. Not only that, I almost forgot to knit, and spin. There have been lots of summery distractions going on here, and I still haven’t finished the mystery Electric Blue Baby project, for that baby that was born a few weeks ago now.

Here’s the same photo, to remind you.

Sheesh, electric blue cotton/acrylic garter stitch. Could anything be more exciting? And I feel too guilty not working on it to knit anything else in the line up. And I can’t even show photos on the blog. Sheesh.

So what else have I been up to, besides not knitting and not spinning? The weather here has just plain sucked. I guess we shouldn’t complain, since we don’t have the triple digit temperatures that lots of places have been stuck with, but it got all the way to the 60’s today. And it rained, again. One of the local weather people calculated that we’ve had exactly 78 minutes of summer so far this year, meaning we’ve only had 78 MINUTES so far where the temperature was over 80. That’s less than two hours of summer so far, people.

I did shop a little bit. My friend and fellow blogger, Dorothy, has her own Etsy shop. Recently she made a couple of bags and put them up for sale. Here’s what I bought.

Knitting project removed, of course, since I can’t show it on the blog. Aren’t those cute? And how could I not buy a Corgi bag?

I’m off to find a wool sweater to stay warm. Later!

More Progress…

But I can’t show it to you!

Good grief. Another baby has done gone and snuck up on me. Another one of my nieces is apparently having a baby next week. Yes, I knew about this a long time ago. Yes, I actually did start a project for said baby. No, I’m not even close to finishing it. Does this sound familiar to anybody?

This of course means I have nothing to show you in the way of knitting. I have been working on it, and I will say that I’m more than half way done with the thing. Oh OK, I’ll show you a teaser.

Can you guess the sex of the baby?? 😉

Let’s just call this Electric Baby Blue for now. It’s more yarn out of my vintage Cotton Ease stash, which is slowly dwindling. For someone who really sort of hates knitting with cotton and/or acrylic yarn, this stuff just makes me happy, especially the old colors. The newest colors they have come out with are sort of promising, but we’ll see. They’re still nowhere near as bright as the vintage stuff.

We actually got something close to summer this weekend. It officially hit over 70 degrees here, though it’s supposed to get down into the low 50’s again tonight. I guess I shouldn’t complain. We don’t have 105 degree temps, no tornadoes, and no floods. And I’ve been really able to get my money’s worth out of my woolies this year!

I’m off to start dinner, since it’s 7PM and nobody else seems to be doing so. Have a great week!

True Blood, Progress!

Well I finally finished that whole honking body section. Here it is:

Those shoulders crack me up a bit. After some wrestling around, I finally got the whole thing washed and out on the blocking board.

On to the sleeves!

And just because I can, in honor of Father’s Day, here’s a photo of my sweetie taken the other night while we were out on the town.

We have family here for the Father’s Day weekend, so I’m off to play!

Full Disclosure


May Wrap-Up

Well, there you go again, I disappeared for a bit. We’ve actually had a few days that make me think summer might get here at some point, so I’ve been busy. At least that’s my latest lame excuse.

Here were the May goals:

I really want to finish the body section of the True Blood Faery section.

I want to finish the Targhee spinning.

Blog more.

So how did I do? That’s where the full disclosure comes in. I didn’t get the body of True Blood done. I’m about 15 rows short of finishing the back section, which will do it.

I didn’t finish the Targhee spinning, though I only have about an ounce left to spin, I started with a pound of this stuff.

Blogging? Four posts. That’s it.

In my defense, I’d like to point out that I read a bunch of books, I cooked a bunch of really swell meals, and I worked. And here are some photos of the knitting.

Aren’t those cables pretty? That photo is close to the real color, but not quite.

That’s awfully pretty, too. It’s very hard to look on either of those things as a “failure”, even if I didn’t quite hit the goal. I’m also knitting a stealth* project, so I did get some things done.

So how about June goals? I’m declaring a month of amnesty. For June, I’m just going to knit whatever I damn well please. Except for that stealth project, of course. Babies have a way of showing up even if you’re not done with the knitting.

*Another family baby is about to appear. I think this might be the last of them for awhile!

Oh, The Suspense!


Will She Finish The Main Body Section By The End Of The Month Like She Said She Would?

Who knows. I have six days left in the month, plus part of today, and I only work two of those, so it could happen. Here’s where I am:

Sorry for the weird color. It’s not really tomato colored, that’s just my phone camera, and I didn’t have time to fix it, I’m on a tight knitting schedule here. My plan for May was to finish the body section, and then I’ll “just” have the sleeves and the hood to go. I have the left front done, and am about a dozen rows from finishing the right front, then the back section from the armholes up to the neck. We’ll see, we’ll see.

Here’s what Riley thinks.

I’m not sure, Mom. This is my “dubious” look.

I’m off to keep knitting.


April Wrap-Up

I can explain. There are a lot of reasons for the brief blog absence, but here’s the main one.

I finally made it into the 21st century and got an iPhone. To say that I’ve been captivated by it would be an understatement. I can finally get rid of all those little bits and pieces of paper and the paper so-called organizer that is NEVER in sync with anything else around here.

So. Here were the April goals.

I have some Corgi Hill  True Blood Red fiber that I started last summer, spindle spun. I’m going to get half of it spun up.

The wheel project is that Spunky Eclectic fiber. It’s Targhee wool, the color is called Flannel. I’ll show you a photo next time, it’s gotten dark here and photos just aren’t working tonight. I want to FINISH that!

Get the bodice done on the Faery sweater, and start a sleeve.

Really, those damned brown socks that I’ve been knitting forever need to be done. I promise that if I don’t finish them by the end of April, that I will burn them in the backyard in a spectacular sacrifice to the goddess of knitting. Really. I’ll take pictures.

And how did I do? I got part of a batt of the red fiber spun, but nowhere near half. I didn’t come close to finishing the Targhee fiber. I have an excuse for both of those, which I’ll show you later. I’m very easily distracted, as most of you know if you’ve been following me for very long.

I did finish those brown socks. Thank God, I’d have hated to have to burn them in the back yard. Besides, it’s been raining here so much that I doubt I’d have gotten a fire started.

I didn’t come close on the Faery sweater. Here’s where I am.

So I did actually work on it. I’ve gotten most of the left front done, I only have a few rows left before I can put it on a holder and work on the back section. At this rate I might finish it in time to wear for NEXT winter.

I did read a couple of books, and I also did 8 blog posts in April. Plus several levels of Cut The Rope on my new phone. Don’t even ask.

And what was that excuse for not getting any spinning done, you might ask?

That’s 4 ounces worth of a very dirty Romney fleece, from a sheep named Peggy. Here it is getting a bath:

And here it is, much cleaner:

I think I’ve officially lost my mind. I have another pound of this, but can’t quite face it at the moment.

How about goals for May? I probably should set some before the month is over.

I really want to finish the body section of the True Blood Faery section.

I want to finish the Targhee spinning.

Blog more.

That’s it. I’m not over-reaching this month.

So if anybody has some cool, you-can’t-live-without-them iPhone apps, let me know about them in the comments. Just remember, for every game recommendation you send me, I’ll get that much less knitting done.

World Grits Day, 2011

Well OK, it was Thursday, not today, but we did have grits, and I took a photo to commemorate the event. Kris tuned me in to this several years ago with her Grits & Sticks contest, so I included knitting in the photo.

That’s a nice plate of shrimp grits, with the first rosé wine of the spring, and my True Blood Faery sweater. You will notice that the wine matches the sweater.

I’m clearly not going to reach my April goal on this project, which was to finish the bodice and start a sleeve. The whole thing is knit in one piece up to where it divides at the armholes. I was pretty sure I had gotten to that point already, but I keep knitting and knitting cable rows, then measuring and getting the exact same number. I still have about an inch to knit on the bodice before it splits, but I appear to be in limbo at this point.

Last but not least, the spammers have gotten more clever lately with the comments. My spam filter is pretty good, it rarely misses a spam comment, and even more rarely dumps a real comment in the trash. I do glance through them before I permanently delete them, mostly just for laughs. Here are a couple of the recent ones that make me laugh. I’m excluding all of the comments written in Russian, since I would have no idea what I was posting.

Can I simply say what a reduction to find somebody who truly is aware of what theyre talking about on the internet. You positively know tips on how to convey an issue to light and make it important. Extra folks have to learn this and understand this aspect of the story. I cant imagine youre not more popular since you positively have the gift.

Well, thanks!

Hello there, Are you going to be publishing a follow up piece? My husband and me have squandered some time browsing over your web page and surprisingly enough you touched on some thing we had been discussing only the other week with our accountant. We often notice ourselves quarrelling over the smallest of issues, isn’t it childish? At any rate we wish you greatest wishes from the Usa.

Sorry, no marriage counseling here.

This looks to be a very active website. How do you manage to keep up with filtering out all the comments?

Good question, good question.

I’m off to get some stuff done, have a great weekend!

Saved From The Fires Of Mount Doom


Finished Project!

Project Details:

Yarn: Sanguine Gryphon Little Traveler sock yarn, color is Penny Pot, NJ. Go check out her yarn, her colors and fiber bases are wonderful. This is superwash merino.

Pattern: What do YOU think? Same old pattern, 72 stitches around, top down, this one with a ribbed cuff. I put Wooly Nylon in the heels and toes.

Needles: 2.00mm Blackthorn needles. I like these, and the tips are absolutely the sharpest double points I’ve ever seen. I was worried that these would hurt my hands, since my one go-around with the Signature needles did (enough that I sold them), but these are fine.

Started: July 2010. I’m not kidding, even though it’s a bit embarrassing to say so.

Finished: Today!

For: Me!

What I Learned: Medical conferences are really good for finishing sock knitting! Lookie here at what else I did today:

In the spirit of full disclosure, I didn’t do all of that today. This was my Wintergrass sock, and I was about half done with the cuff before I picked it back up today. I ran into two other knitters today, one of them did her best to try to convince me that I should buy a loom. She also said that I shouldn’t Mickey Mouse around with a small table loom, I should go right to a huge floor loom, and I wouldn’t regret it if I did. Who knew that a medical conference could be that dangerous of a place?

Here are a couple of photos that show we’re still having fun. I have been going to all the meetings, since in fact that’s what I’m being paid to do, but we did have a great couple of days before the meeting started. We’ve also been finding some wonderful restaurants in the evenings.

More meetings tomorrow, then back home to rain and cold (I am assuming, I haven’t bothered to check the weather yet).

March Wrap-Up

It’s a new month, which only means one thing. A Wrap-Up! No joke!

So how did I do? Here were my March goals:

I’m getting back to that True Blood Faery sweater. My goal is to get at least half of the cabled bodice done in March.

I am going to finish that lilac fiber, and ply it too. So there.

I now have two pairs of socks on the needles, so I need to finish one of them. The brown Sanguine Gryphon socks need to be done. I have one sock done and the cuff of the second done.

I have some fiber from Spunky Eclectic on the wheel that I’d like to finish, but that might be a bit ambitious since there’s a pound of it.

Read more, blog more, again.

And how did I do? Some good, some not so…

Here’s where I am on that Faery thing.

I am at least half way done with the bodice, by my calculations. The body of this blasted thing is knit in one piece, and it’s getting a little unwieldy, let me tell you. I’m to the point of the armhole shaping. The Faery thing will get finished, at some point in my lifetime. This is a win, though, since I got done what I wanted to get done.

Finishing the sock? Not so much. I’m not even showing a photo. It wasn’t helped by the fact that I knit the whole sock heel then realized that I’d forgotten to add the Wooly Nylon that I added to the heel of the first sock. It was noticeable, so I ripped. There was a lot of swearing involved getting the stitches back on the needles. I am not speaking to it at the moment.

Spinning? Now there’s a BIG win. Here you go:

This is a Finished Project!

Project Details:

Fiber: merino-silk blend, I think it’s from Ashland. I bought this when I first started spinning 2 years ago. The color is imaginatively named “Lilac”. I think it looks like Winter Solstice, so that’s what I’m calling it. It’s 70% merino, 30% silk.

Spindle or wheel: spindle, I spun this on my Cascade Mt. St. Helen’s spindle, plied on the wheel, since I was thoroughly sick and tired of it and needed to get it done.

Technical Details: This started as 8 ounces of fiber. It ended up as 2 skeins, totalling 220.5 grams, 0r .49 pounds. Yardage is 834 yards total, giving me a yards per pound ratio of 1702. This is mostly fingering weight.

What I’ll do with it: this will be a shawl. I might even start it tonight.*

The other March goal? The Spunky Eclectic fiber? I have a bunch of it, I got only 4 ounces spun up. What can I say, I have to go to work sometime.

I managed to get in 11 blog posts in March. I did get some reading done. Check out my Goodreads (in the sidebar) for details.

What are my April goals??

I have some Corgi Hill  True Blood Red fiber that I started last summer, spindle spun. I’m going to get half of it spun up.

The wheel project is that Spunky Eclectic fiber. It’s Targhee wool, the color is called Flannel. I’ll show you a photo next time, it’s gotten dark here and photos just aren’t working tonight. I want to FINISH that!

Get the bodice done on the Faery sweater, and start a sleeve.

Really, those damned brown socks that I’ve been knitting forever need to be done. I promise that if I don’t finish them by the end of April, that I will burn them in the backyard in a spectacular sacrifice to the goddess of knitting. Really. I’ll take pictures.

I’m off to eat dinner. I work this weekend, then we have a little vacation planned. Stay tuned to see where we’re going!

*Not really. I already have 2 shawl-like things on the needles, I’m not starting a third. That way lies madness.

Because I Can

And, it’s Dorothy’s fault. Really. In her last post she mentioned she has an upcoming trip to San Francisco, and she asked about yarn shops. This reminded me of a trip from the past, and a yarn shop in SF, and some lovely stuff that’s been marinating in the stash.

Out it came, and here it is, started. There are no WIP Police in this neighborhood, and in honor of actually finishing something for once, I started a stole.

Click on that to see just how pretty that is. As you can see, it’s two separate yarns, the first is Houdini, a nylon ribbon, which they don’t seem to have on their website any longer. The second is Kyoto, a mohair silk blend. After I picked this out, I mentioned that I had no idea what I would do with it, and the shop owner sat down and sketched out a pattern right then and there. Fortunately I saved it and the needles in the bag with the yarn. It’s basically a rectangular stole, you knit two rows with the ribbon, then two rows with the mohair/silk. It starts with 3 stitches, increasing on each side every other row until it’s as wide as you want, then increase on one side and decrease on the other until it’s as long as you want, then decrease again on each side to narrow down to the other point. It’s totally different than anything else I’ve knit with. I have some of the ribbon in a deep red as well.

Here’s a photo of what I had for dessert last night.

It would seem like I’m on a gold-orange-brown cycle.

Happy Fat Tuesday to all! We’re having seafood gumbo for dinner tonight in honor of the day. I’ll get photos for next time!

Big Pink!

Well the mystery package has reached its destination, so here’s the Finished Project post!

Project Details:

Started: Way back in October of last year, in plenty of time to finish before the recipient baby was born.

Finished: February 27th, a good two months after the recipient baby was born. Don’t even ask. There’s another baby in the family due later this summer. I should probably start knitting now.

Project Name: Tweed Baby Blanket, mostly. I made it a little bigger, and of course it doesn’t look anything like the original since this one is knit in Startling Pepto Pink acrylic-cotton yarn.

Yarn: Cotton Ease in Startling Pepto Pink, from the stash. This is one of the older, now-discontinued colors. I can’t for the life of me figure out why they did this in favor of the insipid pastel neutral colors they have now. I love this yarn. I’m not ordinarily an acrylic fan, but this is just plain nice stuff. And it’s machine washable, a big plus when doing baby knitting. I love the look of the original yarn that the designer used, but what real-life new mom has time to hand wash a damned baby blanket?

Needles: Size 5mm, started on Denise interchangeables, finished on Knit Picks acrylics since I needed a really long one for the edging.

For: Baby Rowan Annabelle, my latest grand-niece. I realized that I never showed a photo of her.

Isn’t she adorable?

What I Learned: Once again, babies come faster than you think. Start knitting early. I made the center square a little larger than in the pattern, which gave me a finished blanket that was very good sized. I forgot to measure it before I sent it off, I’ll have her momma do it at some point.* The edging is just a feather and fan with an I-cord bind off, and I had to do a little math to figure out how many stitches to pick up around the edges. The original pattern called for 6 repeats of the feather and fan pattern on each edge, I did 7. My garter square was 86 garter ridges, and I picked up 128 stitches on each side. I think.

Here are a couple more photos.

That’s Sweet Pea, of course, standing in for baby Rowan. My verdict is that this one is a total success!

*Oh wait, I can measure that chair that the blanket is on. 49 inches across the diagonal. There you go.

January Wrap-Up

Let’s see how I did with my January goals.

The first was to blog more. How did I do? Twelve posts! In one month! In December of 2010 I did four posts, in all of 2010 I did fifty-four posts. I consider that a success.

How about knitting? Ahem. Remember this post? Here were the knitting goals from January 1st.

Finish the Big Pink Baby Thing.

Finish the pair of socks on the needles, an embarrassingly aged project.

Work on the True Blood Faery sweater. I’d like to finish the bodice section by the end of the month.

Finish the mittens (dog mittens) that have been on the needles since last year, and start the first pair for 2011.

Nada. Zero. I didn’t accomplish any of that. Though I “only” have about 6 rows of Big Pink left, then an interminable I-cord bind off on 60 billion stitches. And I made a bit of progress on the brown socks on the needles.

Brown socks on black needles make for difficult television knitting. As much of my sock knitting is done while wasting time watching television, this isn’t getting very far. And is there any way to photoshop in a decent pedicure? Sorry if that big toe grosses you out. I intended to get a pedicure while we were in Mexico, but I opted for the hour-long massage instead.

Spinning? Equally a flop.

Finish at least two spindle spinning projects that are languishing, a blue/black merino/bamboo blend that just needs plying, and some merino silk that has been on the spindle since last summer.

Again, not a thing finished. I did work on plying the blue stuff, but that’s about it. Not finished.

So, in summary, January 31, Lorette 0. In my defense I worked a lot, had a great vacation, drank a lot of margaritas, and read a few good books*.

Here are the goals for February:

Finish that damn Big Pink Albatross.

Finish plying the blue stuff.

Finish spinning the lilac stuff.

Continue the blogging effort.

That’s a little less ambitious. We’ll see how it goes.

Here are photos of the spinning projects.

That’s a merino/bamboo/sparkle blend, and it’s been on the spindle so long I have no recollection of where it came from. Oops, here’s where the blog comes in handy. The fiber is from Butterfly Girl on Etsy. The bigger spindle is from Bosworth, and I’m doing the plying on that one. After I got my plying ball all wound up, I found another little wad of the fiber and spun it on the other spindle, also from Butterfly Girl.

This is my Cascade Mt. Helens spindle, named Helen, of course. The fiber is merino/silk from Louet. Who the hell knows when I started this. I think I bought this fiber right after I started spinning, so this is another of those embarrassingly ancient projects.

Tomorrow: Remember this? An update later this week on how it’s going!

*By the way, if you’re a reader and on Goodreads, come be my friend. Here’s my profile.

Still Here…

On vacation, that is. We did a mid-week arrival and departure, so we don’t leave PV until Wednesday. So you’ll have to put up with more photos of crappy weather for a couple more days.

Saturday we did a whale watching cruise. We saw a lot of whales as well as some dolphins and manta rays. There are no photos of the rays, since they are under water. Here are the dolphins at play.

The whales were harder to photograph. We saw a bunch of them throughout the day, but by the time you see them and get the camera pointed in the right direction, this is mostly what you end up with.

Here’s a little better one.

They are really pretty magnificent animals. A couple times they surfaced right next to our little boat. We were on a small rubber Zodiac craft, which has its pros and cons. The pros are that it’s fast and maneuverable, so we got a lot farther out from shore than we would have in a bigger more comfortable boat. Being a tiny little rubber raft, those whales looked pretty gigantic. The cons are that there was no room to move, so we were stuck sitting on one seat for the whole nearly five hours. And no bathroom facilities. That was definitely a con. It was well worth it, though.

Here’s a photo of where we are staying:

There have been lots of opportunities to walk on the beach.

There has been some progress on the Big Pink Thing.

Now with White!

Last but not least, another in a long line of margaritas.

We’re off to visit the downtown again today. I’m looking forward to a little shopping and a little lunch. Maybe even another of those margaritas!