After some serious dithering, the sleeves are done and are on the blocking board. The fronts and back shoulder seams have been matched up, and I’m just waiting for the sleeves to dry so I can set them in. Then a little seaming party, a few bands, buttons, and voila! A sweater!
Oh my god. Buttons. I forgot to buy buttons for this thing. I’m thinking something really girly and elegant. Another shopping opportunity. I just happen to have a gift certificate to the Weaving Works in Seattle, and we just happen to be making a trip to the city later today. Who the hell goes to a yarn store and just buys buttons?
The consensus on the bands, by the way, is seed stitch. I will try that first and see what it looks like.
Here are the sleeves:
I am one of the apparently few knitters who like the sewing and finishing part. I look at all those pieces and think “wow” I knit all that! Helping them all get put together in the right configuration is fun for me. Even sewing in yarn ends in not onerous. That moment when the last stray end is hidden, and the last button secured, is wonderful. Even if it is the middle of the night I want to get up and parade around the house in my finished work of art.
Don’t be sending me all your unfinished sweaters just yet. I don’t find the finishing THAT much fun.
The dithering on the sleeves was the result of my apparent inability to remember which decreases are paired with which, and which ones go on which side of the piece. The knit side increases I have finally committed to memory, but the last 18 rows of the sleeve caps required a decrease on every row. I am just not a fan of purl side decreases. I haven’t done them very often, so they don’t look as neat as they should. Then I just plain followed my scribbled instructions wrong, so had to rip back about three times to get it right.
For the record, and if I write it down here, I might have a prayer of remembering it the next time I have to do it.
On the KNIT side, the decrease that goes on the right side of the work, that is left-leaning, is a SSK. The left side of the sleeve gets a right-leaning increase, a K2tog.
On the PURL side, it gets a little dicier. After trying a few things, here is what looks best to me.
On the right side, the left-leaning one, is a SSP. Slip the next two stitches, one at a time, as if to knit. Return them in their now-turned configuration to the left needle. Now purl into the FARSIDE (the back leg) of the stitches, purling them together.
The left side of the sleeve as you are looking at it gets a right leaning decrease. The book that I looked this up in said to just P2tog, but I like how it looks on the public side better if you P2tog through the back loops.
I have to say, it takes a bit of practice to do the through the back loop ones without stretching the stitches way out.
I will leave you with a couple of pictures that make me happy. We have had the same angel on our Christmas tree since we were married. Here’s old Gabe:
And here are the Three Wise Guys:
If I could find the rest of the nativity scene that matched them I would buy it in a minute!
I’m off to finish my Christmas shopping. Who am I kidding? I’m off to START my Christmas shopping. Where the hell is the challenge in getting ready for Christmas in October??