I didn’t mean to just disappear again. I am finding that the list of things to do isn’t any shorter when you are retired, in fact that list just gets longer. And the list of course includes the occasional nap on the couch, and getting lost in a book for an entire afternoon, so sometimes the list doesn’t get done at all. And that is OK with me.
I’m making good progress on my Dockside Cardigan. I blocked the finished pieces this morning, I just have the sleeves left to knit, and then put it all together and put on the collar and bands.
Oh right, I’ll need buttons. Where do you all buy buttons? I haven’t finished a sweater with buttons in quite some time so have no idea where to shop.
Anyway, here are the pieces.
The pieces do match in size, it just doesn’t look like it from the angle that I took that photo.
I like how the ribbing on the front transitions into the decorative bands. It’s a bit hard to see since the fabric is dark due to being wet. And I see that I need to straighten out that ribbing edge.
I have a good bit of the first sleeve done. I discovered the utility of the “smart counters” in KnitCompanion while doing this. I knew they were there, but had never used them before. They are perfect for those “at the same time” shaping directions. Once you set up the individual directions, as you knit through each row, it pops up when you are supposed to start a shaping direction. And it doesn’t let you advance to the next row unless you’ve “cleared” the shaping counter by tapping it. It is ingenious.
The sleeves have the same shaping of the ribbing, every 4 rows you take out one of the rib repeats. I think I am going to love this sweater.
That’s all for now. I might have a finished project for you next time!