It’s a good thing that my phone calendar has a reminder feature, or I’d have missed my own “blogiversary”. It’s actually tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure if I wait until then, I’ll forget to post something.
I’ve been a very neglectful blogger in the past year. I’m hoping to change that. I’ve got all sorts of new stuff going on in my life to talk about, so hopefully I can get back into the habit of writing here.
First up is my current projects.
That is Rogue. I have just a bit of one sleeve to finish, then the hood, which is full of pretty cables, so that should go quickly. I have a little fixing to do on the front right neck. When I pulled it out of the bag to take a photo, the stitch holder carrying the right front cabled stitches had come out, letting all of those stitches go. Fortunately Peace Fleece sticks together pretty well, and I have the other side to compare, so I should be able to get it together without too much of a mess.
This is Trillian, knit in Schaefer Anne. It’s a lot less garish and much more girly than that photo would lead you to believe. This is pretty simple “TV” knitting. You’d think that I would have it finished by now.
Next up is my Winter Solstice shawl. This is even less photogenic than a blob of lace usually is, I stopped right in the middle of the row to get a photo. I have about a billion rows left to knit.
Last but not least, my latest sock. I simply adore this yarn. It is from Trailing Clouds, the color is Mind the Gap, inspired by the 12 colors of the London Tube map. The shop has been sold out for awhile, but fortunately I have a couple other colors of this in the stash.
That’s it for today. Next time I have a knitting book review for you!