It’s a new month, which only means one thing. A Wrap-Up! No joke!
So how did I do? Here were my March goals:
I’m getting back to that True Blood Faery sweater. My goal is to get at least half of the cabled bodice done in March.
I am going to finish that lilac fiber, and ply it too. So there.
I now have two pairs of socks on the needles, so I need to finish one of them. The brown Sanguine Gryphon socks need to be done. I have one sock done and the cuff of the second done.
I have some fiber from Spunky Eclectic on the wheel that I’d like to finish, but that might be a bit ambitious since there’s a pound of it.
Read more, blog more, again.
And how did I do? Some good, some not so…
Here’s where I am on that Faery thing.

I am at least half way done with the bodice, by my calculations. The body of this blasted thing is knit in one piece, and it’s getting a little unwieldy, let me tell you. I’m to the point of the armhole shaping. The Faery thing will get finished, at some point in my lifetime. This is a win, though, since I got done what I wanted to get done.
Finishing the sock? Not so much. I’m not even showing a photo. It wasn’t helped by the fact that I knit the whole sock heel then realized that I’d forgotten to add the Wooly Nylon that I added to the heel of the first sock. It was noticeable, so I ripped. There was a lot of swearing involved getting the stitches back on the needles. I am not speaking to it at the moment.
Spinning? Now there’s a BIG win. Here you go:

This is a Finished Project!
Project Details:
Fiber: merino-silk blend, I think it’s from Ashland. I bought this when I first started spinning 2 years ago. The color is imaginatively named “Lilac”. I think it looks like Winter Solstice, so that’s what I’m calling it. It’s 70% merino, 30% silk.
Spindle or wheel: spindle, I spun this on my Cascade Mt. St. Helen’s spindle, plied on the wheel, since I was thoroughly sick and tired of it and needed to get it done.
Technical Details: This started as 8 ounces of fiber. It ended up as 2 skeins, totalling 220.5 grams, 0r .49 pounds. Yardage is 834 yards total, giving me a yards per pound ratio of 1702. This is mostly fingering weight.
What I’ll do with it: this will be a shawl. I might even start it tonight.*
The other March goal? The Spunky Eclectic fiber? I have a bunch of it, I got only 4 ounces spun up. What can I say, I have to go to work sometime.
I managed to get in 11 blog posts in March. I did get some reading done. Check out my Goodreads (in the sidebar) for details.
What are my April goals??
I have some Corgi Hill  True Blood Red fiber that I started last summer, spindle spun. I’m going to get half of it spun up.
The wheel project is that Spunky Eclectic fiber. It’s Targhee wool, the color is called Flannel. I’ll show you a photo next time, it’s gotten dark here and photos just aren’t working tonight. I want to FINISH that!
Get the bodice done on the Faery sweater, and start a sleeve.
Really, those damned brown socks that I’ve been knitting forever need to be done. I promise that if I don’t finish them by the end of April, that I will burn them in the backyard in a spectacular sacrifice to the goddess of knitting. Really. I’ll take pictures.
I’m off to eat dinner. I work this weekend, then we have a little vacation planned. Stay tuned to see where we’re going!
*Not really. I already have 2 shawl-like things on the needles, I’m not starting a third. That way lies madness.