Perfect Day

There are a lot of wonderful benefits to blogging that I’ve discovered in the last almost six years. The most incredible, and unexpected bonus is all the lovely people I’ve gotten to know over the last few years. Some sadly remain only “imaginary friends”, as my husband calls all of you. I’ve been lucky enough to meet some of you in real life as well. Today was one of those days. I got to meet Jennifer, AKA the Major Knitter today. I don’t remember when I first discovered her blog, but we’ve become two of those imaginary friends over the years. She’s a great knitter, and a good writer. She and her husband were in town on business for a few days, so we arranged for a play date for the two of us today. The weather cooperated beautifully, and we had a stellar sunny, clear, and warm day together.

We hit a couple of yarn stores, went to the Seattle Art Museum for a couple of hours, had lunch, and gossiped. And compared knitting projects:


If you’ll all remember, we’re both doing the Faery Ring sweater. The Major is a bit ahead of me. We noodled a bit over the sleeve issue. The pattern is written in two size ranges, and the one we’re using isn’t finished, so we have to make up the sleeve instructions. After a little inspection of the pattern photos, I think we have a plan. Hopefully this won’t involve too much ripping and swearing.

Here’s another photo. We saw this funny tree outside a house on the way to lunch.

major knitter

The birdhouses were just a hoot. You can tell what a beautiful day it was here! Thanks for a great day, Jennifer!

New Beginnings

Oops. I forgot to post for almost a month. I blame it on stupid Facebook games. Somehow I got sucked into both Farmville and Mafia Wars, and not much exciting has happened around here since. This weekend I plowed up the crops and I’m giving up the farm and the family (the Mafia family, not the real one) for Lent.

In honor of all the regained knitting time, I started a new project. Actually, this falls in the category of “Finish It Or Frog It“. I bought some lovely yarn a couple of years ago from Shelly of Butternut Woolens. It’s a 50% silk, 50% merino DK blend, in a gorgeous ice blue. Right after I got it, I cast on and started a ribbed scarf, got about 6 inches done, and just wasn’t loving the pattern-yarn combo. So it has been stuck in a bag for a couple of years. This morning I dragged it out, ripped it out, and started something new.

Here’s the old:


Here’s the new:


The pattern is Baktus, and I’m doing a modification that has rows of yarnover holes every 8 rows, on a garter background. It’s as simple as it gets, but will be a much better match for this lovely yarn. I will end up with a small triangular shawl out of this. The beauty of this pattern is that you can use any yarn. You start from one narrow end of the shawl or scarf, knit until you have used half your yarn, then decrease away to the other tip. It will be perfect for those handspun skeins. I read about this pattern over on Knitorious, go check out what Vicki is doing with sock yarn.

There are more New Beginnings, and one or two Finishings, but I’ll save them for another post!

Finished Project

I’m going to start putting my finished spinning projects on the blog, mostly so I have a record of them. Here’s that golden yellow Cormo I’ve been working on over the past few weeks, all spun up, washed, and dried.


That’s just a little more orangey than in real life, but it’s more of a harvest gold. It’s difficult to get that color to photograph well with incandescent light and a flash, and it’s January in Washington, so a good outside sunny shot is out of the question. I need to build me a light box. Here are the details:

Finished Spinning Project:

Fiber: Cormo roving, purchased from Apple Rose Fibers on Etsy. This was 8 ounces of roving, nicely prepared. There was a bit of vegetal matter in it, mostly bits of hay or straw, easily picked out.

Wheel Or Spindle? Spun on my Schacht Matchless, using the Scotch tension set-up. I used the fast speed whorl on the larger groove, I think that would be a 13:1 ratio.

Style of Spinning: Style? Who, me, style? I spun this using a worsted style of spinning, mostly a short forward draw. Mostly. I’m still new enough at this that I occasionally get a little off track. It’s a two ply.

Yardage/Yarn Weight: This ended up being somewhere between a heavy fingering weight and a light sport weight.. I got about 850 yards from this.

What I Plan To Make With This: I think this would be a great shawl. It’s very soft and squishy, and would also be good sweater material, if I had several times as much of it.  Though it’s a little soft for a sweater, it might pill like crazy. I have in mind this shawl. Rav link here, for you Ravelers.

What I learned: Well, how to answer that one. I’m so new at spinning that everything is a new experience. This was my first Cormo. I have another whole bag of this in a pretty bright aqua color, too. Every fiber has been a new experience to me. This drafts differently than the merino stuff I’ve mostly been working with. It’s not difficult, just different. It’s sproingier to draft, and either the fiber was well-prepared, or I’m getting better at drafting. I didn’t have to do much fiddling with it or pre-drafting at all. I just pulled it out of the bag and started spinning. The worsted style yarn I ended up with is lovely, but I’d like to try this fiber again using a long draw technique.

I also learned not to judge the yarn until it’s all done. This looked like a twisty overplied mess before I finished it, and I was almost tempted to run it back through the wheel to unply it a bit. I soaked it, snapped the hanks a bit, hung them to dry, and it all looks beautiful.

In case you’re roaming around my blog looking for something specific, I’ve started categorizing the new posts. There’s a drop-down box over in the right menu bar that will get you there. I’ve done this with all the posts since I moved the blog, and I’m slowly working through the older posts, moving photos and cleaning up links. “Finished Spinning Projects” is the newest category!

Rescued Off The Back Burner

This WIP update is brought to you by the True Blood Faery sweater. This one has been on the back burner since before Christmas, and I was starting to have a few doubts about it. I’ve gotten the bottom cable done, and am about 4 inches or so into the body of the lower part of the sweater. The whole thing is knit in one piece up to the armholes, then split at that point. So now it’s this big unwieldy mess, and I’m in a morass of stockinette until I hit the lovely cables of the bodice part.

This Faery almost bit the dust this week. I’m sure it was that huge expanse of stocking stitch that got to me, but I started squinting sideways at it sitting over there innocently in its bag, having second thoughts about it. It looks so…huge. The other thing that’s been bugging me is the sleeves. The designer did the initial pattern in smaller sizes, then due to popular demand, sized it up to include 3 larger sizes. That version still isn’t complete, since she hasn’t added the instructions for upsizing the sleeves. I’m pretty sure I can figure that out by using one of the smaller pattern sizes and adding stockinette stitches to make up the difference, but still. It annoys me. So I’ve been putting off getting back at it. Two days ago, on my way home from work, I just figured, OK, I’ll get it out tonight, make a decision. Rip or not, but just do it.

I got home, dragged it out, and got out a coat that fits me that’s roughly the same length and shape, and compared.


It’s a little hard to tell from the photo, but I think it will be perfect.

Back to stocking stitch. I’ll think about those sleeves later.

Spinning With Friends

I had a wonderful time last weekend, though I’m just getting around to posting about it. Dorothy (Missouri Star) and her husband Bill came to visit us over the weekend. They live just a few hours from here, though we rarely get to see one another, for one reason or another. Now that she’s retired, and I have a more sane work schedule, I hope that situation changes!

Dorothy and I both used to say that we would never take up spinning. Ha! I fell hard last summer, and it was only a few months later that she was asking questions about spindles and wheels. When she joined the Beginning Spinners group on Ravelry, I knew that it was all over. She bought a spindle, then got a wheel last month. She brought her wheel with her, a nice Ashford Traveller, and some pretty hostess gift Romney fiber from a neighbor’s sheep, named Rainbow! We did a little spinning, a lot of chatting, eating, and generally having fun. John & Bill hit it off, and managed to find things to do that didn’t involve spinning or talking about spinning. They brought their Corgi, Maggie, along with them, and after a bit of jousting amongst the dogs to figure out who the biggest alpha bitch was, everybody got along just fine.

Dorothy is a natural as a spinner. Go look at what she’s been spinning on her blog (but come back!). After just a few weeks, she’s spinning nearly laceweight, very evenly.


I managed to finish spinning a whole pile of Cormo (that insulation yellow stuff from several posts back, though it hasn’t been washed up yet, so it’s not ready for a photo op). I did start a new spinning project while Dorothy was here.


The fiber is from Chasing Rainbows Dyeworks, in the color Forest. I bought 2 ounces of this color in a merino-bombyx silk blend, and another 2 ounces in the same color in merino-tencel. I have the silk blend all spun, and I’m about half way through the tencel, then plan to ply them together. We’ll see how that works out. I did do a little couple yard sample, and I think I’ll like it. Here’s where I bought the fiber. The colors really are that rich.

Last but not least, here’s one of my spinning helpers. Lewey tends to sit right under my feet while I’m spinning, and Will is just pretty sure this is where he belongs.


And this is probably why he’s so friendly lately. When the weather’s better, he’s outside a lot, but he’s not a big fan of rain.


Come to think of it, I’m getting a bit tired of that rain myself!


If you haven’t done so already, go here and read Stephanie’s post about Haiti. She’s said it much better than I can. If Doctors Without Borders isn’t your favorite charity, pick another one, but dig deep and give. If we can all afford to have computers and yarn and fiber toys, we can certainly sacrifice a bit of cash to those affected by this horrifying disaster.

Another WIP

This is just a quick post from my office desk in the few minutes I have left before the afternoon patients start to arrive. I have another new WIP to show you that I’ve been working on awhile, but neglected to post.


Want a little closer look?


Mittens! How exciting! The most exciting thing about them is that it’s my own yarn, that I spun myself! Yee-hah! The photos don’t really do justice to the sparkly goodness that this fiber is. Click the photos to get a little better look. The fiber is a merino/silk blend with some Firestar added to the batts for sparkle. It comes from Anna at Corgi Hill Farms, and it’s just delicious. This is one of my earlier spinning efforts, so it’s a bit uneven, but it turned out to be roughly all the same gauge, so it works for me. The pattern is a combination of one of Ann Budd’s mitten patterns from her book The Knitter’s Handy Book of Patterns, and my own jerry-rigging. I used her numbers to get the thing started, then just adjusted on the fly.  I’ll post general directions as to my modifications when I get the things done.

I’ll post more later, but I just had to get this up here. I pulled them out to knit a bit after lunch and thought, why, I’ll show the blog world what I’m up to!

Happy New Year!

A day late, but better late than never. At least I have an excuse. Over the weekend, that would be last weekend, I developed something I’m calling Ebola virus. I got both flu vaccines earlier in the fall/winter, but the symptoms are quite flu-like, and I’ve now had it for 7 days. I took two days off work last week, then fortunately have the 3 day New Year’s weekend off, so hopefully I’ll mostly be recovered by Monday when I have to go back to work. I actually went in to the office on Wednesday, but the nurses quarantined me, then sent me home as soon as they could get the patients rescheduled. So, Happy Fracking New Year! I’m having so much fun so far! I have a relentless cough, a squeaking voice, and today I got to add Imodium to the lineup of pills I’m taking for this! What fun!

We did sort of celebrate the New Year, though I was out cold long before midnight. If there were any fireworks on the lake this year, I missed them. We had clam chowder and champagne for NYE dinner, then blackeyed peas yesterday for supper for good luck. Today I’m thinking tea and toast, since my tummy is a little iffy.

Now, on to New Year’s knitting resolutions. They’re pretty much the same as last year. I want to knit more of everything, knit more of my stash, learn to be a better spinner (a new resolution this year!). First up is to go through all the WIPs and UFOs and clean house. It will be finish or frog around here.

Here’s the first UFO/WIP. It’s now officially a WIP again. This is the Froot Loops Morning Glory stole, which according to the blog and Ravelry, I started in May of last year. Who knows why it got sent to the UFO pile, since the pattern is a lot of fun, and the yarn is delightful. Here’s the non-Rav link for those of you still in the dark ages. The yarn is Brooks Farm Harmony, which has been discontinued. It’s a mohair, wool, and silk blend that is very lustrous and just a little bit on the fuzzy side.


The stole is knit in two pieces, then grafted down the center. I’ve finished the edging and the mesh border on the first piece, and am in the first repeat of the main part of the stole.

I’m off to find more cough syrup. Stay tuned next time for the next WIP/UFO!

Peony Socks!

Whew! I finally finished something.



Project Details:

Started: April 30th, 2009 (hey, at least it was in the same calendar year!)

Finished: December 26th, 2009

Yarn: Zoe Shalimar Sock, color Peonies, purchased from Kris at Sonny & Shear

Needles: Signature dpns, size 2.25mm

For: Me

What I learned: Knitting plain socks is still endlessly amusing. And I love wearing plain socks in every color of the rainbow.

This yarn is quite nice. It’s superwash merino, and I added a bit of pink Wooly Nylon when I knitted the heels and toes, to give it a little more durability. I tend to just wear through my socks at the bottom of the heels, though it’s better if I wear them with real shoes, and not Birkenstocks. For some reason, the open clogs rub more on the sock. If you want to try the Wooly Nylon, here’s where I got mine, though you can find it in fabric shops as well. I have it in a bunch of colors, though it’s fine enough that even if it doesn’t match perfectly, it just disappears. I just try to get in the same general color family and intensity.

I hope everyone’s holiday was lovely. We are still having ours, with the last set of family arriving today for dinner and gift exchanging. Santa will probably be glad, he’s had a busy week. I had the honor of working for the four-day Christmas weekend, and have to go in today as well, but then I have a couple of days off, and I do get the New Year’s weekend off as well. Just as a public service announcement, remember to go buy your black eyed peas for the annual New Year’s Day BEP cook-off. I wouldn’t want you to get caught short without them!

The Tour of the Christmas Tree

Everybody else is doing it, so I thought I’d jump on the bandwagon and show photos of some of the ornaments on our tree. Our ornaments are best described as “eclectic”, with no apparent theme. We’ve collected them over the years, and a few are from our respective childhoods. Here are some of our favorites:














And last, but not least:



Have a very merry and blessed Christmas, everyone!

Knitted Christmas Gifts

Just a quick post. The past few weeks have gotten away from me a bit. Work is going well, but Christmas is one of those holidays that gets me tied in knots. I love the peace, joy, and blessings part, not so much the shopping, frenzied decorating, and gift exchanging parts. My general response is to bury my head in the snow and hope that the Christmas elves will do it all for me. We had our big annual solstice party for close friends this past weekend, and we still haven’t gotten all the wine glasses washed and put away. I have the last of the Christmas gift shopping to deal with today, then I’m home free.

As far as knitted gifts, here’s my take on it.


I’m done with my Christmas knitting, because I don’t do Christmas knitting. So there, bah humbug!

Hopefully there will be a “real” post, with real knitting even, later this week. If I don’t get to it, have a blessed and safe holiday!


I don’t have any impressive knitting photos to show today, so you get spinning photos instead. My True Blood Faery sweater is coming along, though slowly. I’ve finished the bottom hem cable, and am almost done with the stocking stitch hem. Then I get to pick up another gazillion stitches on the opposite edge of the cable, and knitting up the body will proceed. Just imagine what it looks like, OK?

I’ve been spinning quite a bit lately, and have several projects going. The wheel project is a whack of golden yellow Cormo that I bought on Etsy. I have one bobbin full as of yesterday.



This stuff is really fun to spin. It’s definitely different than what I’ve been working with, which is what makes spinning so much fun. Every fiber is different, and I’m having a blast learning different techniques to get the result I want. This will be approximately fingering weight once it’s plied. It’s dreamy-soft. Click on those pictures to embiggen.

Then there are the spindles. I have three nice spindles, as well as the “student” boat anchor that I started with. That will be a sturdy spindle for plying heavier yarns, I suspect, but I really like my other spindles, and have a project going on each. Here’s what’s spinning on the Cascade Spindle Company St. Helens:


This is Ashland Bay merino/silk blend (70/30), purchased from Paradise Fibers, in the color Lilac. You can get yours here. They have lots of pretty colors available. This is spinning up into a silvery grey-lilac fiber, and will probably be a light fingering or heavy lace when I’m done with it, but we’ll see.

I managed to get the spindle filled this morning to the point where it was getting a little weird and wobbly, so figured it was time to wind off. I’ve been dithering around, trying to figure out the best way to deal with this, and with the help of Fleegle and Ravelry, came up with this method. She posted these boxes on her blog a few weeks ago, and I went online and bought one for each spindle. These are quite clever spinning gadgets, even though they are made for the purpose of shower caddies. They are just the right size to corral a spindle and fiber, with a neat carrying handle. And when it comes time to wind off, it works as a Lazy Kate.



If you had two spindles full, you could just ply directly from this either onto a third spindle, or a wheel. I’ve tried winding directly into a ball, but the mess in the middle was a bit spectacular. Thus, the suggestion I found on one of the forums on Ravelry to use a tennis ball as the center. I just bought a pack of new tennis balls*, and wound from the spindle directly onto that. Once I have two tennis balls worth, I can ply it into yarn. Clever, eh? I got mine from Amazon, though it looks like the spinners have bought them out. If you google Zia boxes, you’ll get other online vendors. These are the small size.

Fleegle slides her cops off the spindle onto straws, then does her plying from those. I like having the singles wound firmly into a plying ball, as it tensions the fiber nicely so I don’t get so many of those squiggly corkscrews in my finished yarn. I suppose as I get better at plying, her method might be faster.


Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers for the four murdered police officers from Lakewood. It’s been sort of a difficult week around here for the community, but the outpouring of support for the families involved, and for the police department, has been amazing. There is a formal memorial service at the Tacoma Dome next week, though I doubt we’ll even try to get there. Most of the available spots are going to be reserved for regional law enforcement folks to come pay their respects, which is as it should be. Keep them all in your thoughts; they have an incredibly difficult job.

I’m off to enjoy the sunny, if cold, day.

*John, being ever frugal, suggested that we have plenty of tennis balls around here already, and did I really need to buy new ones? I reminded him that our tennis balls are dog toys, and slathered in dog spit. Thanks, I’ll splurge on new ones, dear.


I had a cheerful post-Thanksgiving post all planned for today, but as of this morning, I’m sort of out of the mood for cheerful. Four local police officers were gunned down as they sat in a local coffee shop, just a few miles from our house, prior to starting their morning shift. The lunatic who shot them is still at large, and police helicopters are circling over our house. I’m generally not easily spooked, and awfully lax about locking doors and such, but you can bet we’ve checked everything twice and battened down the hatches. Hopefully they’ll catch the guy soon, and we can all sleep easier, but I cannot imagine what the officers’ families are going through tonight. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

Work is going well, even though I haven’t posted in a while. Eventually I’ll be in a rotation where I’ll work about two thirds in the hospital and the rest in the office, but for now I’m in the office still, learning the computer system. It’s going well, and I’ve been thoroughly welcomed and oriented nearly to death, which is a good thing. I’m not seeing that many patients daily yet, since they really want me up to speed with the computer system first, so I’ve had plenty of time to get to know how things work. This next week will be my last full week in the office, then I go to the hospital for most of the December shifts, with an unexpected week off before Christmas. Of course, I have to work Christmas, but that works for me. Somebody has to do it, and I got Thanksgiving and New Years off to compensate. I go into the regular shift rotation after the next round of holidays. So it’s all good. And spinning and knitting are proceeding. When I feel that cheerful mood again, I’ll post photos.

Have a good week, and hug your loved ones tonight. Be careful out there.

More Cables….

Or, Why The Major Is Way Ahead Of Me:


I do have an excuse, of sorts.  I had a little malfunction involving some exciting episodes of NCIS (Mark Harmon, anybody?? He’s quite distracting!), along with an apparent ability to follow a cable chart as written. I’m currently at 16 of 20 repeats of that pattern, and somewhere back at about repeat 12, I goofed. There are these nice center cross cables, and I noticed that I’d forgotten to cross one of them about 12 rows back. After some judicious use of swear words, I bit the bullet and ripped back to fix it. Somewhere along in repeat 13, I took a look again, and noticed that not only had I crossed the cable like I was supposed to, I’d apparently made up for the earlier lapse by crossing it twice.

I did consider just leaving it, but my better knitting angels took over, and out it came again. That time I ended up tinking back a little further than I’d intended, since I had some trouble tinking the cables without screwing them up. Honestly, there wasn’t even any whiskey involved in all this.

I’m now making forward progress, at least for the moment. The Major has finished the bottom cable, and has picked up all those stitches along one edge for the hem. I’m hoping to get that far this weekend, which I have OFF from my new job! Have a good one, all of you!