Ok, I was going to start with a list of excuses for why I haven’t posted since the last time, but you’ve heard them all, really. So I’ll just jump in with the story of the Great River Trip 2008. I’m going to put a bunch of pictures up here, but will link at the end to the whole photo album, for anybody with a lot of patience.
Now that the bruises have healed (more on that later), and the terror has faded (ditto), this stands out as one of my favorite vacations ever. I’d do it again in a heartbeat, which probably brands me as an insane person. Really, it was fun, I promise.
Here’s the rundown. We flew to Salt Lake City, rented a car, and drove to Vernal. I hope none of my readers are from Vernal, but if you are, I don’t mean to insult you. The people in Vernal were lovely, but the town is really dismal. It’s an oil boom town run amok, with little to recommend it to tourists. We had an extra day there due to some trip rescheduling, and drove up to Flaming Gorge, which was gorgeous. Fossils and rocks and desert, oh my. The geology in this part of the trip was amazing. One of the highlights was going to the dinosaur museum in Vernal. Here’s a photo:
I think she wanted to knit. Maybe if they’d had handknit socks, they wouldn’t have become extinct.
We put in on the Green River for the first leg of the trip through the Gates of Ladore. This was a 4-day, 3-night trip, with the raft company Oars. Both companies that we floated with were outstanding, by the way. I’d go with either of them again without any hesitation. Here are just a few photos.
The second leg of the trip was on the Colorado River south of Moab, through Cataract Canyon. This trip was with Sheri Griffith, another excellent long-term rafting company. The Colorado was at nearly all-time high water levels the week we were there. The first two days were nearly flat water through some spectacular red sandstone cliffs, with hikes every day. The rapids came later in the trip, and we ended up flipping a raft through a set of rapids known as the Big Drops on day 4. The six of us on our raft managed to stay with the upside down boat through the rest of the rapids, and the guides got us to the river bank and rescued us. The raft we were on was an 18 foot raft, with huge oars that you can see in some of those photos up there. I got banged around pretty good by the oar and the water, and had bruises to prove it. We were in wet suits, but I can tell you that the cold water was the last thing I was thinking about. Just to give you an idea of the force of the water, two of the guys on our boat were wearing swim trunks over their wet suits, and they were torn completely off in the water.
The boat that was behind us had a camera mounted on the deck, and is rumored to have a good video of our flip, but we don’t have it yet. Here’s something similar to what we did, in about the spot we went over. (If the link doesn’t work, right click it, and choose “watch on youtube”.)
Yeah, it was about that much fun.
Here are just a few more photos from the Cataract Canyon trip.
That’s Jose, our guide, and one of the owners of the company. Jose knows just about everything about river rafting, and a good deal more. After I brought out the knitting, he told me about the yarn shop back in Moab, and that they have a group that meets once a week to knit. We had to catch an airplane home, so never made it there to check his story, but next time.
That’s me explaining the basics of sock knitting to the boys.
Here we are, after the big flip, sharing war stories over cocktails.
And at baggage check-in at the Lake Powell International Airport:
Our rides back to Moab:
Here’s the link to the full photo albums, if you have nothing better to do. Next time there will be knitting updates!