We’re back from Arizona, just in time for more rain, snow, and ice. Ick. I am just ready for some nice weather. I’d even take some not-so-nice weather, as long as the ice was gone from my driveway.
The trip was lovely. It was warm and sunny in Phoenix, and we celebrated all the missed holidays in style. The first photo sort of sums up the week: wine, dominos, and knitting.
There was some serious Mexican Train competition that went on all week. We paused long enough to have a baby shower for my niece, Angie, who is due to give birth in April.
Note that there was bourbon involved. Now that’s my kind of baby shower. She is having a girl, and is naming her, and I’m not kidding about this, Riley. They swear that they’re not naming her after my dog. No matter, Riley the dog is quite excited about it.
Don’t let that photo fool you. She really is pretty excited.
To sum up the week since we got back: I worked all week, didn’t knit much. We got iced and snowed in (it doesn’t take much around here), and John drove to Kansas to help a friend move there. They drove a van there with all her belongings, then he flew back, getting sidetracked by weather and not arriving until 1:20 AM. After working a 15 hour day on Monday, I drove to the airport at midnight to get him. Tuesday I woke up with a cold. I hate being sick. That about covers it.
I also have a candidate for Customer Service Award for 2007. Sometime last year (I think it was in the early summer) I bought a knitting bag from Jordana Paige. It’s a lovely little thing, and I used it for a couple of months, until the metal ball clasp broke off the top of the bag. It sat around in my pantry for the past three or four months, and I finally got tired of tripping over it. I wasn’t sure that she would be able to do much about it, as I’d had it for awhile, but I emailed her and told her my sob story. She replied promptly (within hours!), telling me to pack it up and send it back. The UPS man brought me a new one today, at no charge. Lovely! It’s a beautiful bag, and very functional. Go check out her website, and get one of your very own. It comes in lots of lovely colors and styles. Here’s mine:
I’m off to get a bourbon and water. For medicinal purposes, of course, for my cough.