I have actually finished something. In looking back through my archives, it has been two months since I actually completed any knitting projects. So, small though it is, I’m posting this, just because it’s my blog and I can.
I started this eons ago, and finally sat down last night with a Tivo full of JAG reruns, and finished the thing.
Yarn: Euroflax linen, sportweight, Pink Panther
Pattern: Dragon Scales Washcloth, from Knitters Stash.
Started: ??
Finished: August 29, 2006
Needles: Vintage faux tortoise shell straights, size 3.25mm (labelled Imperial size 10)
For: ?? This might be a gift, or maybe just for me.
What I learned: I learned that I hate knitting complex stitch patterns from text. I would much rather knit from a chart. I kept losing my place in the pattern until I sat down and charted it out, which only took a few minutes. I can’t quite figure out why this stitch pattern scallops on one edge and not the other. If this was a big shawl it would irritate me, but it’s just a facecloth.
I have a half a hank of the Pink Panther left (and a billion other hanks of Euroflax in other colors, I can’t resist the stuff), so I will cast on for one of the other patterns in the book before I forget where I put it.
I also made some new stitch markers last night. I have a whole box of beading supplies to make these, and I saw a Buddha stitch marker on someone’s blog recently (don’t remember where, if it’s you, let me know in the comments). I found little Buddha beads online, got them in the mail this week, and went to work last night. Really, these only take a few minutes to make.
Aren’t those just adorable? How can you not smile when you’re knitting with little fat Buddhas on your needles? Click on that to get the full effect.
I also bought some sheepy stitch markers recently, from Mousie Masala. Go see her, she has lots of good stuff. Here are the sheep:
And my Buddhas on the needles:
Click on that picture too, to make it big enough to see the Buddhas, and my little handwritten chart. You can see my fancy-shmancy needles there, too. Every time I show a picture of these, I get at least one comment about them. If you want them, scrounge around Ebay and watch for them. Look for vintage tortoise knitting needles, and you’ll find them. I have a whole vase full of them in various sizes.
Oh, OK, here they are.
And just in case anybody wants to see another view of what my lake looks like today:
This house was definitely built with the focus on the lake. We have three levels of deck/patio, and this one is off our master bedroom on the top floor. We call it the “crow’s nest”, and it is our private little retreat that nobody else gets to visit. It’s a great place for martinis in the evening. Which gives me an idea, it’s almost cocktail hour!