Yup, I’m in New York City. We arrived yesterday just in time to experience the joys of rush hour traffic on the way from the airport in Newark. We’re staying in Midtown, near Times Square, so we’re right in the middle of things. It took all day to get here, but I’m looking forward to a good time. I’ve never been to NYC before, so there will be lots of tourist things to do. Today I think we’re going to do one of those boat tours around Manhattan to get an overview, then just pick a spot and start walking. This is my Christmas present from 2005 from my husband; I opened up the package and found guide books to NY along with a card promising a trip this spring.
And of course there are the yarn stores. I’ve been saving my “free” yarn-buying day for April for this event, and plan to see a few of them, at least. Not that I need yarn, but since when does that have anything to do with anything?
I have to thank everybody who has sent condolences on the house problem. It’s slowly becoming a more definable project as they work on it. The decks are completely off, the beams that support the kitchen alcove have all been removed, and today they start work on the windows and supporting wood. We have the plans in place for rebuilding, and it seems less like a monster project, and more like something that eventually will be finished. An expensive something, I grant you, but at least we can see that there will be an end to it in the next several weeks.
Here are some photos:
Willie is the only one who thinks this whole thing is fun.
And of course it started raining last week, as usual for spring in Washington. I now live inside a circus tent.
And yes, we’ve been sitting in those chairs, even with the kitchen beams gone. I refuse to give in to fear.
On the knitting front, I have little to report. I’ve mostly been working on the two-color socks, and I don’t even have a miserable picture to show you. I’m on the toe decreases on the first one, and almost finished it on the airplane here yesterday.
OK, I quit being lazy and got up to take a picture. What I don’t do for you guys.
And just because I knew you were worried, they do fit. Tightly, but they fit.