Oh, Shoot!

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I must need to swear more. Though I got a “G” rating, they flagged me for using the word “shoot”. Dang. In real life, I think I’m more “R” rated, especially when my language is bourbon-fueled, but I guess I’m blander on paper than I thought I was.

Go here if you want to see how your blog rates.

I also got nominated for this by Debi:

I’m pretty excited by this one. The last time I was nominated for anything, it was my senior year of high school. And I won, too, the Betty Crocker Family Leader of Tomorrow. I am so not kidding you. My family still laughs about this one, as I am not known for being the domestic one in the bunch.

Wait, I got a charm bracelet for it. I’m pretty sure I still have it. You don’t throw things like that away. Wait.

<<digging digging digging>>

Here you go. The front:

And the back:

Click on those photos to make them bigger, for the proof.

I’ve seen this Rockin’ Girl thing on just about every blog I’ve visited recently.  Here’s the deal. I hate, absolutely hate, nominating people to do these things. I’m always the last one to get around to posting this stuff, and by the time I finish it, everybody else has done it. So if there are by any chance 5 of you who haven’t been nominated, consider it done and post this on your blog.

Next time, knitting. Really. I’ve started something new. I’ve actually started it twice, and soon will have enough for photos.

Author: Lorette

My name is Lorette. I learned to knit in 1999, and took up spinning in 2009. I'm a physician specializing in internal medicine, and live in the Pacific Northwest. Enjoy my blog!

14 thoughts on “Oh, Shoot!”

  1. Lorette,
    That’s a hoot!
    I *just* started my blog, and I shudder to think what rating I would get. I find myself censoring a lot of my language. Maybe I shouldn’t and just let ‘er rip, but I’ve only posted twice; so, who knows what will happen.

  2. I’m G-rated, too, not that that should surprise anybody. I am in real life, too, not just on “paper.” I honestly never swear. As in, maybe a “damn” crosses my lips about once every 10 months, but that’s as strong as it gets. I’m perfectly safe to bring your family to!
    Oh, and love the charm…..

  3. I got a G rating, too. And then I posted a few comments from Mim at Estes and bam! Up to PG. I felt better. 🙂

  4. I think your blog’s rating shows that computers have no knowledge of inflection or sentence structure – not that your blog is X-rated, but I really don’t think it’s G-rated either … Just imagine how surprised some parents will be when they let their 8-year olds read it, and start drinking the next day …
    Wow. A Betty Crocker award. Impressive. Who knew?

  5. Congrats on the nomination. You deserve it.
    I was rated G too. HA! Only because the “steal my button” was on there.
    If they only knew.

  6. Me too – on both counts! My blog was rated “G’ – not surprise there. And I was also chose for the Betty Crocker award. Of course, “back in my day” they called it the Homemaker of Tomorrow. But I have one of those charms too. For a terribly shy, insecure girl it was a great thrill for me – I went on to place 3rd in the state. I’ll wear my charm next time I visit.

  7. Aaaaah! What a hoot! I got the Betty Crocker award in high school too! I have that same charm. My family nad friends called me Betty Sue Crocker for a long time. Wish I could live up to that now.

  8. Well, of course I already know what the outcome of MY blog rating will be, but I’m dying to go check it out anyway. Off I go…

  9. The Betty Croocker award was proof positive that I can take tests far better than I can do most other things. My family, STILL, laughs about my winning this thing; if anything my kids laugh even harder than my mother and my sister do.

  10. I also won the Betty Crocker Homemaker of the Year award! I didn’t get a charm, but I think a certificate. Congrats to you too!

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