I’m not sure how much fun barrels of monkeys really are. This crazy shawl is more fun than a barrel full of pretty much anything.
The pattern is Snark-o-Meter, a mystery knit-a-long shawl by Casapinka. For someone who finds plain stockinette sweaters and socks a blast to knit, this much color and texture is almost more fun than I can stand.

The colors and stitch patterns change just about the time you get bored, but it’s still an easy enough pattern overall to not be too mentally taxing (i.e. still works for binge-watching a favorite show).
I also have the yarn and patterns for a couple of her other shawls, including the Crown Wools and the Sharon Show. Both look equally fun to knit. All three are big squishy fingering weight rectangular pieces with lots of color and texture, so should be fun to wear as well.
Everything else is OK in Chez Knitting Doctor world. We are recovered from the Great Summer of Visiting Relatives. I love them all, but it did seem like every time we woke up, there was another bunch moving into our guest rooms.
We’re now heading into the season of major home maintenance. Our master bath has been in need of some upgrades/repairs ever since we moved in here two decades ago. And our kitchen wall oven has been unreliable for close to a year. It’s a gas oven, and it sort of works as long as the temp stays under about 400 degrees. Anything higher than that, or if it is on too long, and it just shuts off. It’s an old Viking, and they don’t make the parts to repair it. When we remodeled the kitchen several years ago, we discovered that there was never a 220v outlet installed in the kitchen. Gas ovens in general are hard to find, and quite expensive, but it would be a major project at this point to run a 220 line to the kitchen. We’ve finally found the right oven (and cooktop, since that needed replacement also), and it’s on order. And we’re at the beginning stages of the bathroom remodel planning.
But we’re not spending money on travel, so we have more cash available for home upgrades, right? We’ve recently canceled another big trip that was supposed to happen in October. This was already rescheduled from last spring, so it’s beyond irritating that we’re still in this pandemic largely due to selfish idiots who won’t get vaccinated.
And I’ll leave it at that. Back to fun knitting!
Loving your shawl! I’ve been in the state of No Knitting Mojo for quite a while lately. I have nothing to report on that front.
In remodeling though, I feel ya! We are re-carpeting and re-tiling a beach condo. Next summer, we will redo the master bath. It’s quite the endeavor being that I’m states away!
Lovely colors ! Looking forward to updates!
Well, if a barrel of monkeys isn’t tons-o-fun, then my entire life has been a lie. First Pluto, then Bigfoot. I don’t know if I could bear the monkeys too.
The shawl is rather busy, shall we say.
The game Barrel of Monkeys is fun, if that helps any.
Love the shawl and the colors are gorgeous. Enjoy your remodeling.
This is a beautiful wip! Wow. Re the wall oven, when we built the house I wanted a wall oven and I wanted it to be gas as it is what I was used to. Up here, according to newer code, wall ovens can’t be gas. I was surprised that I got used to the electric one so quickly.