Call For Help

Remember this photo?

That’s my Birch shawl, with a big honking hole that I found last fall. I stuck the pin in it until I could muster up the nerve to fix the thing. It’s been in a heap ever since.

The thing is, I don’t have any of the Kidsilk Haze left. I know I had some leftover, I must have tossed it out in a fit of pique, being quite done with KSH at the time. I could probably do a real half-assed job without extra yarn, but I spent so much time on this sucker that I’d like to try to really fix it.

Which is where the Call For Help comes in. I’m hauling out the Knit Signal.

Does anybody have some of this yarn in their stash that they would be willing to part with? It’s Kidsilk Haze, by Rowan, in the color Liqueur, a very deep nail-lacquer red. I don’t have the dyelot number (if I’d saved the fracking yarn, I’d know the dyelot, now, wouldn’t I?), but at this point I’m willing to give anything a shot. I probably don’t need more than a few yards, so if you have a bit leftover, I’d love to have it.

In return, I’ll go shopping in my stash (a deep, extensive stash, I might point out) for a little something to compensate you. If you are the one who has the KSH in your stash, I’ll even let you pick the category: something for a scarf, or a hat, or perhaps a pair of socks.

Call it a blog contest. First one to say they can send me that yarn in the right color wins.

Added later:

I knew I could count on you guys. I have multiple offers of KSH, so I should be all set. Thanks!

Five Rows Short Of A Sleeve

Or, Where I Am In That Crazy Never-Ending Eggplant Sweater

I really am going to finish this one of these days. For those not keeping track, I started this way back in December of 2005. Not 2006, but 2005. It sat in time-out for most of last year due to a variety of issues. I’ve been pretty sporadic about working on it, but I swear, I am not starting one more thing until this is done. That’s the first of two sleeves, and seriously, I’m thinking it would be preferable to just amputate an arm at this point. I don’t mind seed stitch, as I don’t mind purling, but given the miles of seed stitch in this sweater, I am getting heartily sick of it. That cable pattern going up the sleeve is of course the same one repeated across the front and back, so it’s all just boring at this point.

Not boring:

The Easter Egg socks are just wonderful. I love this yarn, even if I clearly can’t take pictures. While the yarn is a bit fuzzy, it’s my photography skills, or lack thereof, that makes them THAT fuzzy. I now have proof of why I buy as much yarn as I do for the stash. I only have one color of this yarn, this one, and they don’t make it anymore. Do I need any other evidence? I’m about ready to turn the heel on this one, my favorite part of sock knitting.

And in the category of funding my yarn retirement program:

Oh my. This is Dream In Color sock yarn. I was following clues on the internet one day, and found this. A few quick emails back and forth to Kris, the owner of Sonny and Shear, and she had a order on the way to her online shop. It came last week. It came, I ordered, it was delivered. She of course normally mails things, but we belong to the same knitting group that meets weekly, so she delivered it to me Wednesday in person. She had it in a brown paper sack so I could sneak it into the house without any interrogation. It sort of reminded me of a drug-dealer handoff.

Turns out I didn’t need to sneak it in. John took one look at that brown yarn, and claimed it as his own. (For socks for me to knit for him, not for him to knit!) Go buy some of your very own before Kris sells out of the stuff.

We’re off for another adventure tomorrow. We’re using a week of timeshare to go to Hilton Head.  My sister-in-law Ena will be there for part of the time. She emailed me to say that she’s learning how to knit, so I’ll have a partner in crime while I’m there. Woot! You’ll have to excuse me, I need to go pack knitting projects.

Added Later:

I promised Teyani a photo of my knitting spot in the kitchen:

When we remodeled, we got rid of our kitchen table and put in comfortable chairs for people to hang out in while we cook and chat. It’s turned out to be my favorite place to knit. When I’m in the kitchen by myself, I turn one of those chairs around to face the lake. Perfect!

Uh-Oh, There Goes The Neighborhood

John and I were running errands earlier this week, and on the way home, saw this sight:

A new yarn store! It’s not open yet, and when I peered in the window, it’s still an empty building. So why is this so exciting? It’s less than a quarter of a mile from my house, people. A yarn shop I can walk to from home. I’ll keep you posted.

I obviously didn’t get around to doing the requisite “Happy Easter” post. We had a quiet day at home, with little lamb chops cooked on the grill. We had to grill them in between hail storms, but that’s sort of normal for spring weather around here.

For dessert, I served Peeps and chocolate sauce. Here’s my “recipe”.

Put Peeps on plate.

Nuke them in your microwave for 20-30 seconds. This is the exciting part. It’s hard to get a good photo of the blown up Peeps, as they collapse quickly once you take them out.

Add chocolate sauce, and serve.

Don’t laugh until you’ve tried them.

In knitting news, I’m still working on that Shedir hat. The pattern calls for one skein of Calmer. Here’s how far 1 skein got me.

In case you’re wondering, I’m on row 58 of an 83 row pattern. The rows get shorter pretty quickly from here, but still. This was yarn left over from when I made Audrey, so fortunately I have more:

I wound up that partial ball and weighed it on my handy-dandy drug-dealer’s scale*.

15.6 grams. I’ll weigh what I have left and let y’all know how much more than 1 ball this sucker takes.

*Have I mentioned how much I love my drug-dealer’s scale?

More Pink Knitting

I actually got a comment today asking where the hell I was. She worded it a little more nicely, but that was the gist of it. I really didn’t pack up the yarn stash and move to Siberia to knit in peace and quiet for the remainder of my days. Though I’d consider it if they’d let me take the yarn.

I’ve been here, knitting away, though once again I have little to show for it.

There are a few more inches on a lace shawl that looks like one of those crocheted market bags at the moment. It wasn’t worth taking a photo. Look at this one (scroll down), it has a couple more rows than that now. And no, I really don’t need a reminder of how slow I knit. There’s been a little project creep around this house (meaning more than the usual three projects going at once), and that means nothing ever gets finished.

I spent most of last week working on this:


Yes, that would be Shedir, from Knitty. You can find the pattern here. I got this far, then compared it with the pattern photo, as something just didn’t look right.


See the nice little crossed cables over there, marked by the little purple arrow, by the teddy bear*? Click on it to make it bigger so you can see the arrows. Now look at the non-crossed cables, over there on the left, by the red marker. I crossed the first two sets, then didn’t cross them again all the way around the hat. Frak.

I looked at that for quite awhile. I even stupidly kept knitting, even after I noticed it. Then I realized that I would hate this project forevermore, and probably never finish it with those frakking uncrossed cables. You can probably guess what comes next.


I did try to just rip it back to the ribbing, but because this yarn has a good bit of stretch to it, I couldn’t get it back on the needles without a lot of yarn splitting and bad words, so out it came. I’ve started over, and am partway back to where I was up there in that first photo.

More pink stuff:


That would be the Mystery Riley project (for my soon-to-be-born niece, Riley, not the dog Riley). That’s one sleeve, and the beginning of the second sleeve. The good thing about baby sweaters is that Sleeve Island is a much smaller, more intimate vacation destination. I finished the first one in an evening, and the other one will hopefully get done tonight. Last night’s episode of Robin Hood is Tivo’d, and tonight there will be a new episode of Battlestar Galactica to satisfy my sci-fi jones. And we have three whole discs worth of the first season of Rome from Netflicks at the ready, in case we need any more television.

Last but not least, here’s this week’s bread recipe. The first photo is before it went in the oven.


And after:


Here’s the recipe, or rather, the ingredient list. Look at any general cookbook, or a bread machine recipe book, or my prior bread post, for how to put it together.

Lorette’s Thursday Rye Bread

1 Tbl butter

1 Tbl sugar

1 Tsp salt

1 1/2 cup unbleached bread machine flour

1 1/2 cup rye flour

2 1/2 tsp yeast

1 cup water

1 Tbl Ground caraway seeds

1 1/2 Tbl gluten flour**

After the second rise, top with whole caraway seeds and salt, then slash and bake. I use a gourmet flake sea salt for the topping, and crush it a bit. Bake it at about 375 degrees, use an instant-read thermometer to tell when it’s done (190-200 degrees in the center).

Next post: Yarn Shopping with friends! Loot!

*Yes, I have teddy bear stitch markers. You have a problem with that?

**Makes it rise better with less effort. If you want to knead the hell out of your bread, then leave it out. I like less guesswork with my cooking.

Man Can Not Live By Bread Alone…

So we’ll get back to knitting!

First up, the socks. Solar Energy is the color name for this yarn (Dicentra sock yarn), and it’s a good name for it. It’s quite sunny in appearance, and for a change it’s sunny outside today. The ducks are out there on the lake doing their little head-bobbing thing around each other, pairing up as couples, so baby ducks can’t be far behind. Well OK, they are a ways off yet, but I can hope.

A reader, Michelle (no blog), asked a week or so ago how I managed to do gussets without holes. I’m not sure I have any magic tricks, but have tried several things in the past. One thing to remember is that even if you get holes at the corners, they tend to disappear with washing and wearing. If all else fails you can always cheat and cinch them together on the inside with a bit of yarn and a sewing needle when they are all done. Yes, I’ve been known to do this. It does get better with practice, so if you get holes, just keep knitting socks. After several pairs, it seems to go away. I’ve also found that mine are much better since I’ve gone down to 2 or 2.25 mm needles for my fingering weight socks.

Here’s what I do currently. I’m a heel flap and gusset girl, all the way, so if you do short row heels, I can’t help you. First, I don’t pay any attention to how many stitches the pattern* tells me to pick up along the side of the heel flap. I do a slip stitch along the edge of the flap, and pick up one stitch for each slipped stitch. Sometimes I end up with 1 more on one side of the flap than the other; no worries, I just decrease more on that side. Trust me, nobody will be able to tell.

So here I am at the corner, after I’ve picked up the stitches along the first side of the flap. You can click on all of these photos to make them bigger.


Now I pick up one extra stitch right inside that gusset corner, sort of like a raised increase. A tiny crochet hook makes this easier. I’ve seen instructions to pick up this stitch in the running thread between the two needles, just to the left of where I’m picking up, but I’ve found that this tends to make a little hole of its own, like a “make one” increase does.


Now knit across the instep stitches. When you get to the other heel flap, do the same thing.


Some knitters pick up two stitches at each corner, the second just opposite the first, so it would end up on the instep needle. I don’t bother with this, as just doing one seems to do the trick.

Here’s my finished gusset corner:


By the way, that little crochet hook is one of my most-used knitting gadgets, and believe me, I have lots of knitting gadgets. It’s got a tiny crochet hook on one end, and a pointy “probe” end on the other.


I use this so much that I have two of them, one in my regular gadget bag, the other in my sock knitting kit. Patternworks has these, though I’m sure you can find them elsewhere. The little probe end works great for getting knots out of things.

I’ve also still been working on the eggplant Jo Sharp sweater, though you wouldn’t know it by my progress. I’m currently marooned on sleeve island. After getting part way through the sleeve increases, I decided I didn’t like the holes that I was getting with the “make one” increases I was using. So I ripped all the way back to the seed stitch border and started over, using raised or lifted increases instead. Increasing inside seed stitch is just a bit more entertaining than doing so in stockinette stitch. Here’s where I am after all the ripping and reknitting.


All those little pins? I think I’ve posted this before, but I use them to keep track of increases (or decreases). If I have to increase x number of times, I string that many pins together and pin it right to the sleeve, then take one pin off and mark the increase as I make it. When the pins are gone, I’m done.

Please ignore all the extra dog hair. We have Rae the neighbor Corgi with us for a few days, and she’s left fur all over the house. I was way too lazy to vacuum and dust before I took photos.

Speaking of Corgis, here’s what happens when you leave a Corgi in a room alone. This used to be the cable needle in the sleeve above.


Fortunately, I have a whole bunch more of these (see gadget comment above).

Next time: My latest knitting gadget.

*I actually don’t often use a pattern anymore for socks. Or, I do, but it’s in my head. Plain ribbed or picot top, stockinette cuff, heel flap/gusset, standard decreased toe, grafted together. The number of stitches I start with at this point is one of those “force be with you” things.

Been There, Done That…

…Bought The T-Shirt!


The theme this year was the changing face of bluegrass, and as such, included a few artists that stretched the definition a bit. Some of it didn’t work for me, most did, as usual.  I’ll listen to it all, though my favorite is still traditional Appalachian style old-timey music. There wasn’t much of that this year. Uncle Earl was as close as it got, and they were every bit as good as they were last year.

Other favorites? Crooked Still, with a great lead singer and a cello player (yes, cello!) that will knock your socks off. All the girls seem to like him, too. There was a lot of girly screaming every time he played a solo.  Blue Highway, playing more straight-up bluegrass, and with one of the best dobro guys around, Rob Ickes. John Cowan, Darrell Scott, and Pat Flynn, each a great musician, and together they were dynamite. Cowan’s voice will send chills up your spine. The Infamous Stringdusters are a great bluegrass jam band. Mike Dowling is a wonderful acoustic roots-blues guitarist, and was one of my favorites of the festival. Doyle Lawson and his band were polished, as usual.

My personal favorite? This one was a surprise to me. Mike Marshall has never been one of my favorite performers. He plays mandolin, and is one of the best in the business, but his music tends to run a bit experimental for my taste. This time out, he performed with Hamilton de Holanda, a Brazilian bandolim virtuoso. Their music is astounding. I don’t buy many albums any more, as I can listen to pretty much anything I want on Rhapsody, but these two were good enough to warrant buying the CD. Mike also did a solo performance on Sunday of Bach’s Chaconne (yes, Bach on a mandolin) that was terrific.

The festival also provided many hours of uninterrupted knitting time. I saw a couple of other knitters there this year, including Leah, who is knitting Rogue. She was also knitting it in a dark purply yarn, in near dark. I was having trouble just managing socks in stockinette. I didn’t take any photos at the festival; after I lost my binoculars a couple of years ago at Wintergrass, I try not to take anything that might tempt another thief. (You’d think bluegrass fans wouldn’t be pickpockets, but there you have it.)

And the socks, you ask? How much sock can I knit over a four day festival? (Actually, two evenings, Saturday afternoon and evening, and all day Sunday.) I started on Thursday evening just past the gusset on the first sock. Here’s where I finished Sunday night.


Can’t tell from that photo? Here’s another:


I also have been working on the mystery baby project, using some of my closely guarded Cotton Ease stash. I still can’t show a real picture, or it wouldn’t be much of a surprise, now, would it. Here’s a hint:


By the way, Cotton Ease is back on the market, with newer, better colors. Once I use up the stash I have, I might just have to buy more. (Who am I kidding, I probably won’t wait that long!)

And just to tempt your taste buds, here’s the bread I made earlier this week.


It’s white-bread, but with cooked brown rice, polenta, and enough wheat bran to give it a nice chewy texture. It’s already gone, so I need to go make more. I make my bread in the bread machine, but generally bake it in the oven. I’ve finally gotten to the point where I don’t need much of a recipe; I just start with the right proportions of flour and water, then add the other ingredients according to whim. Yum, now I’m hungry.

Oh, and in case you can’t find it, here’s a link to Wintergrass. Yes, I already have my tickets for next year. Did you really need to ask?

More Sunsets, Knitting Update

Here are more vacation photos. See the previous few posts for details of where we were, in case you haven’t been hanging on every word that I post.

Yet another sunset from our condo. In weeding through the photos, it appears that we took at least 50 sunset photos from our balcony on the various evenings that we were there at sunset. Thank heavens for digital, is all I can say.


We did make it out to Catalina Island. I had that silly song in my head for the whole trip, by the way. We took the Catalina Flyer over, and spent the whole day, taking a bus trip inland to check the place out.


Here’s the bus:


And more beach/knitting shots.


We stopped at the Wrigley ranch for refreshments part-way through the tour. I took a knitting break with this fine fellow.


There were cute horses, and a cute real cowboy.


There were buffalo:


And the ferry ride back to the mainland, at yet another sunset.


We met our Germany friends for breakfast Sunday morning before we took off for home. We discovered the Crystal Cove Beach Cottages during our trip. This was a thriving beach community from the 1930’s to the 1950’s, and subsequently fell into disrepair. It has been turned into a historic district and is slowly being restored as rental cottages. The restaurant on the property, the Beachcomber, is just a hoot. I want their martini flag for our dock. We didn’t get any photos, as it was drizzly that morning, but someday intend to go back there for a vacation.

On to knitting. I worked on the Laurel Hill sweater during the trip, and finished both the front and back. Now it’s on to Sleeve Island, nothing like Catalina Island, I’m sure. Maybe playing that song would make it go faster. Then again, maybe not.


I also got quite a bit done on the first of the Solar Energy socks. I wasn’t quite certain that I liked this color once I started knitting, but it’s growing on me. It’s striping in a rather interesting fashion.


It’s actually not quite that…yellow. It’s more maize and khaki, with light purple and orange in the stripey part. I’ll try to get the color better with the next, hopefully daylight, photo.

I’m also still working on a lace project, but it’s gotten to that point where it just can’t be photographed without looking like a blob. The last photo I took of the Forest Canopy shawl was way back in September. It’s bigger than that now, but too big to spread out and get a decent photo. You’ll just have to wait.

This week is a work week, so stay tuned for another post. Who knows if I’ll get any knitting, or posting, done this week. All I have to say, is that it’s cocktail hour here, with or without the martini flag.


An addendum: One of my new favorite knitting blogs:  TECHknitting; check it out!

New Socks! New Yarn! Madrona!

First, the new socks. I finished the hot pink babies earlier this afternoon, and here they are.


Note Lucy’s feigned indifference. Here’s another photo:



Yarn: Socks That Rock, lightweight, in Hotflash.
Pattern: basic top down, 2 by 2 ribbed cuff, stocking stitch, heel flap, etc. Nothing fancy, but it works. I use a Twisted German cast on, just because I like how it looks.
Needles: Ivore, 2mm for the cuff, 2.25mm for the rest.
Started: A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. (Sometime in October, for crying out loud.)
Finished: Today.
What I learned: I’m still not bored by a plain vanilla sock pattern. I have tons of sock patterns, and don’t ever use them. Every time I start a new pair of socks, I look through them all, and end up making one just like this. Socks are my carry-around-to-knit-in-public project, and the thing I pick up when I only have time for two stitches and nothing more. You can gauge how busy my life has been by how long it takes me to complete the socks. It’s been a busy few months for me.

Here are two photos to show you my latest stitch marker invention. I’m always on the lookout for ways to keep track of gusset and toe decreases (I don’t use stitch markers for socks except for those parts). I used to use two markers of different colors linked together, but came up with this:



It’s a two-colored double-ended stitch marker! When I get to the beginning of the round, I turn the marker upside down. If the top bead is red, that means that the round I’m working needs decreases. If it’s green, I just knit around straight. Very ingenious, if I do say so myself.

What’s next on the sock knitting agenda? I just reached into the bag* and came up with this:


It’s Dicentra Designs, in Solar Energy. In real life it looks more orange and purple. Because you can’t have too many orange and purple socks. This looks to be a bit finer weight than the STR, I am even contemplating trying it on 2mm needles. Guess what pattern I’ll be using? Yup, same thing. I’m not even looking through that stack over there. For a change I’ll use a different brand of needles, so I don’t get bored.

Last but not least, Madrona. I went again for a few hours on Saturday, to knit and shop. I used my “free” yarn day** and bought some lovely things. I also met up with some lovely knitters in the lobby and had a little knit-in. Let’s see; Stephanie, Kris, Ryan and TMK, Rebecca, Saralyn. I think that’s all the blog-people. There were many other apparently blogless people there knitting, and one guy who sat there all afternoon with his laptop. I never did figure him out. He wasn’t knitting, he didn’t look at all interested in picking up knitters, maybe he just randomly picked the Sheraton to hang out.

Now, I know what you really want to see. The yarn. It’s all about the yarn. When I cave and go shopping, I don’t screw around. Looky here.

The whole yarn pile:


What’s in that mix, you ask? First up, some Sea Silk. I’ve been coveting that yarn forever, but wasn’t about to pay that price without being able to touch the stuff. One touch, it was in my shopping bag. There are many more colors that are flashier, but this cream stuff just makes my mouth water. It’s the color of English clotted cream.


The color in the second picture is more like the real thing. This will be a lace shawl someday.


That’s Blue Moon Fiber Arts Bambu, in Henpecked. For a lacy stole.


More BMFA, this time Seduction sock yarn, in Downpour. This is a simply divine merino/tencel blend. I wasn’t the only one that got sucked in at the BMFA stand, by the way. It was nearly a stampede.


This is more sock yarn, because as we all know, sock yarn doesn’t count. This is Monarch merino sport weight, in Red Hat. More purple.

Don’t any of you dare email my husband and tell him how much all this cost. As far as he knows, yarn is yarn, Sea Silk and Encore are interchangeable. Let’s keep it that way, eh? Can I count on you?

It’s martini time again! Until next time…

*Okay, okay, the sock stash isn’t in a bag, it’s a whole stinking closet. You know what I mean.

** Free Yarn Day, from YFC. Link is above.

Laundry Day

This is what sock laundry day looks like at my house:


For the record, I do my socks in the washer. I throw them in on the delicate cycle, and they mostly do OK. Our washer and dryer are on their last go-around, and I’ve told my spouse that I don’t care about any other features for a new one, it has to have a handknit cycle.

I went to Madrona last night to hear the Yarn Harlot (do I really need to link to her?) speak about charity knitting. Of course I took my charity knitting:


Yes Kris, those are different needles than I started it on. I got about 5 inches done last night, got home, decided the fabric was much too stiff, ripped out, started over. Repeat as necessary. The yarn is Beaverslide Dry Goods, their 2 ply fisherman weight 100% wool yarn. The color is Alpine Fir. I have a bunch of lone skeins of worsted and heavy worsted weight yarn in the stash that is perfect for Dulaan hats, mittens, and scarves. This will be a scarf.

We had dinner at a little Thai restaurant just up the street from the convention center. The place was packed with knitters, most of them knitting. There was a line waiting for tables, most of them knitting. I can’t imagine what the people that run that place must have thought. In my ideal alternate universe, this is what every restaurant would look like. Of course I forgot my camera. I sat beside Fiona Ellis at the knitting bee, and she was wearing that lovely cabled hoodie, Celtic Icon*, from her book, Inspired Cable Knits. I wanted to steal it. I didn’t think she’d want to trade for the 5 inches of ribbed scarf I had on the needles, so I kept my mouth shut, and just sat there and envied it. Once again, no photos, as the camera was at home.

Tonight she is talking at a free session about the Knitter’s Muse. Unfortunately, for some reason that escapes me**, I signed up for an extra work shift, so I can’t go. I’m going tomorrow just to sit in the lobby of the Sheraton and knit with all the other people that didn’t get around to signing up for classes. Come on out and join us if you’re in the neighborhood!

*Does anybody else think that this sweater would look better just in one color? Even with the subtler color scheme used in the book, I think I’d like it better in all one color.

**Oh yeah, my husband reminds me that it’s to pay down the yarn debt. Now I remember.

Pink Knitting

First, I joined Rebakah’s Yarn Focus Challenge again this year. That’s what the newest ticker is all about up there. So far, so good, though Madrona is this weekend, so I’m betting that one of my “free” days gets used up.

In pink knitting, I’m still working on those pink STR socks. The last few months have been sort of hopeless on the knitting front around here. I’ve made it to my “weekly” knitting night maybe twice, and haven’t started (or finished!) a project in ages. I made a bit of progress on these last night while catching up on Desperate Housewives and Battlestar Galactica.


A few more episodes worth of knitting, is what I’d guess. What we need around here is a good bluegrass festival, with lots of knitting time. (Guess what’s coming up, soon!)

And more pink:


That’s Cotton Ease, from the stash. It’s a swatch, in case you hadn’t guessed. I can’t tell you what it’s for, as it’s for a baby-on-the-way*, and her mom occasionally reads the blog. All I have to say is that they better be right about it being a girl. And that color is pretty accurate. It really is that shade of pink.

Here’s something I found on the camera that’s most decidedly not pink.


That’s Will. Isn’t he a handsome boy? Though I think he looks a little grumpy there, I must have woke him up for the photo.

Last but not least, my Monday Sky. I’ve missed Saturday Sky countless times, and usually don’t think about it until I’m making the blog rounds and see everybody else’s pictures. Yes, it really is that gloomy around here today.


I prefer to think of that as five days early, not two days late.

*See previous post. This is the Mystery Knitting Project For Baby Riley. Hereafter known as MKPFBR. Angie, I hope you like Pepto Pink!


I was tagged by Denise to post a list of “firsts”. Here goes.

What is the first thing you did in the new year?

Cleaned up the kitchen from the NY Eve party. There were no wine bottles on the lawn this time, thankfully.

What is the first thing you ate in the new year?

I don’t remember. I think I had a banana and peanut butter for breakfast. The first “real” meal was those BEPs from the last post.

What is the first thing you knit in the new year?

See below.

What is your first ‘blessing’ of the new year?

Waking up next to my sweetiepie, the lovely man I’m married to.

What is the first thing you will do to make the world a better place in the new year?

Not tag anyone for this meme.*


Just kidding, I’m not really anti-meme. I just liked the whiskey part.

Post the first photo you took in the new year!


Those peas turned out just lovely, by the way. A little overdone, but I had an excuse. Kris came over yesterday afternoon to knit, and before we knew it, the peas were done and it was time to eat. So I shared our good-luck peas with her, and she took the leftovers home for her family. And yes, BEPs do bring good luck; I got to knit half the afternoon with a friend!

Here’s what I worked on. This is the Jo Sharp sweater that’s been in the timeout pile for a long while. I have the front finished, and started on the back yesterday.



The pattern directed me to bind off the shoulder stitches, then later sew the shoulders together. As these have no shaping, but are just straight across, that made no sense to me. Ever one to look for shortcuts, the shoulders are on string holders, to bind off together later.


Last but not least, my New Year’s  Resolutions. They’re simple. Knit more, read more. And knit more from the stash, read more from the stacks. I have enough books and yarn around here to last more than one lifetime. I’m not outlawing purchases of either books or yarn, just resolving to at least look at the current stash before I buy more. There you go.

I’m off to Arizona to visit my sisters. One of them lives in Phoenix, the other is going there on a holiday. I’ve mentioned our rule previously, if any two of us get together, the third one has to show up, too. Otherwise the other two might talk about her. So we’re going for a few days, will get caught up on a lot of celebrations we’ve missed, and party a bit. Diane does have internet access, so if there’s a moment when we’re not either shopping or partying (or getting tattooed-remember the last trip?), I might get a post in.

Enough of this! Now let’s go have some whiskey!

*If you want to be tagged for this one, have at it. Leave me a comment so I can go gawk at your answers.

More Knitting, More Cruising

Well, not really more cruising, just more cruise pictures. Yes, there are more. In my last post, I left you on the coast of Africa. We sailed from there to the Canary Islands, to Lanzarote. We were just there long enough for a short tour of the island, and a camel ride. Touristy, yes, but it was worth a lot of laughs. I will admit that it was a bit like the pony rides at the carnival, but good for a few photos.



Doesn’t everybody knit socks on the back of a camel?

John made friends with the girl camel behind us. At least we think she was a girl.


We also made friends with the couple on the camel behind us, Bert and Suzie.


That photo also shows a little of the landscape of Lanzarote, which is more or less a volcanic rock pile. For the record, these animals are actually dromedaries. Check out the link for an explanation of what makes a dromedary a dromedary.

Our next stop was Funchal, on the island of Madeira. This was probably one of my favorite places on the trip, and we actually plan to go back (hopefully next year!). We took a little tour by bus up into the mountains for the day.



I even met another knitter. We didn’t share more than about three words in common (Madeira is Portuguese), but we spoke the universal language of the world, knitting.


She knits those hats on long double points, with the working yarn looped around her neck. The wool is from local sheep. We had a short stitch-n-bitch session together.


Of course, she wasn’t just standing there knitting. She was selling those hats, and I had to buy one as the price of the photos. It was worth it.


I didn’t have time to find a yarn shop in Funchal before we had to board the ship, but I know there must be one. Of course, that’s not the only reason I want to go back. They make wine there, too. Our last stop at the end of the tour was at the Old Blandy Wine Lodge, to taste some fine Madeira. Here I am with a couple of my cruise buddies, enjoying some of the local agricultural products.


Next up on the cruise: we set sail for America!


And to prove that this is indeed a knitting blog, here are a couple photos of the finished Pippa sweater. I got the buttons sewn on this morning, and did one of those flash-in-the-mirror photos. I’ll try to get a better one when my photographer gets home. For now this will have to do.



It’s currently in the washing machine getting a much needed wash. I decided that this didn’t need blocking prior to seaming, so I didn’t wash the pieces before putting them together. Since this one got dragged all over Europe and parts of Africa, it really needed a good soak. Once it’s dry, I’ll get John to get a better modeling shot. Though I kind of like the flash over the face look. It hides the fact that I didn’t bother with makeup this morning.

Lots of Pictures, Some Knitting

The knitting photos are at the bottom of the post, for those of you that are sick of the cruise photos.

In case you hadn’t guessed, the final photo in the last post was of Rick’s Cafe in Casablanca (there are actually two, neither of them authentic). We didn’t stop there, but drove by, and got one of those lovely out-the-bus-window photos. Casablanca was something of a letdown. It’s mostly a dirty, underdeveloped mess of a city, with a few exceptions. The new mosque is huge, probably one of the largest in the world (third-largest, actually, I just checked). We weren’t allowed to go in, but the next couple of photos give you an idea.



This out-the-bus-window photo gives you an idea of the contrasts in Morocco. It’s definitely a Muslim country, but one of the most liberal and diverse. There is extreme poverty, and later on we saw some of the poshest seaside resorts you can imagine. The three women on the street under that billboard made me giggle, for some reason.


We took a bus tour to Rabat, which took us through part of the Morocco countryside. I saw lots of sheep and goats, but no yarn shops. This handsome guy standing guard outside one of the local sights let us get photos, for a fee of course. I’d have handed him my sock for a photo, but I think he would have charged extra for that.


This one proves that we were in Morocco together. The royal palace is in the background.


The Hassan tower:


The next two photos are at the Mohammed V mausoleum.



And another whizzing-by-in-the-bus photo. The billboards here just cracked me up.


The next day we were in port at Agadir, a bit south of Casablanca. Agadir was destroyed by a tsunami in 1960, and has been completely rebuilt. It has very little local character, and mostly looks like a seaside playground for wealthy tourists. We took a little side tour to a smaller village, Taroudant, with a more traditional flavor, and got to see goats in trees on the way.


No yarn shops there, either.

On the way to the market we got to watch of couple of fine fellows playing and dancing. The guy in the red hat is our tour guide, Ahmed. You’ll see more of him later.


The market was fascinating. You can buy almost anything here, and bargaining is the order of the day. Taroudant is called “Little Marrakesh”; lots of shopping, less hectic than Marrakesh, which was too far to travel on a day-trip from the boat.


Here’s the seaside part of the bus drive.


When we got off our bus back “home” at our ship, I handed my sock to Ahmed for a photo. He reached up and took John’s hat, and put his on John’s head. Then he proceeded to put on a great show of knitting, wrapping the yarn around and around the needles. I was a bit worried about that sock and its survival, but figured the photo would be worth it. This is one of the few times that I wished I had a video feature on my camera.


And another sunset for all you sunset-lovers out there.


Finally, the knitting part. There has been no button-sewing going on around here. I just want to knit warm wool sweaters, and have them done now. It has been just freaking cold here, with this stuff on the ground.


You’d think that I’d be able to handle a bit of snow and cold, given that I’m from one of those deep-freeze prairie states originally. Yesterday I had to put on two pairs of heavy wool socks just to get warm.

I grabbed an orphan ball of Rowan Yorkshire Tweed Aran out of the stash and started a hat. Yes, that’s homemade bread. Sometimes I’m so domestic that I can’t stand it.


After a few inches, I decided it wasn’t warm enough, so I ripped it out and started over, adding more yarn. I am knitting it together with a strand of King Cole mohair from a past project. This will fit an adult with a small head, or better yet, a cold kid someplace. I have three more skeins of that mohair stuff in the stash, so I’m going to see what else I have in the orphan ball stash to combine it with.


Last but not least, is the Jo Sharp sweater that’s been in time-out for months. This is the back. Or the front. It’s a boxy sweater with no shaping, so it doesn’t matter, as long as I remember to knit two of them.


I’m off to find more warm stuff to wear.



Miss Pearl would like to thank everyone who voted for her in the 2006 Midterm Button Elections. It wasn’t even a close race, and she graciously concedes to the jubilant winner, Ms. Rosie, who never quite got around to getting a good campaign photo taken.


The Roses will be stitched on very soon, and the Inaugural Ball will be photographed shortly thereafter. Miss Pearl promises to run for reelection in the near future.

And now, what you really came for, more travelogue photos. After Barcelona, we had a short (half-day) stop in Valencia. I was feeling the severe effects of jetlag, and didn’t even bother to get off the ship that day. After another night at sea, we arrived in Malaga, on the southern coast of Spain. Although we had been to Granada, and the Alhambra, on our last Spain trip, we couldn’t pass up a bus tour that was offered by the cruise line. Here are just a couple of photos. The Alhambra, a 13th-14th century fortress and palace built by the Moorish rulers of Spain, is just exquisite, and well-worth a second trip.




The long bus ride home provided ample opportunity for sock knitting.


More on those socks in a future post. I promised a bear tale a few posts ago. Sweetpea is a rather unadventurous bear, at least up until now. Generally, she’s been satisfied to hang out in hotel rooms and ship cabins. Occasionally we get a room/cabin attendant with a sense of humor, and we find her perched in different places in our room when we get “home” at the end of the day. But that’s about as much fun as she usually has.

Until now. One day on the cruise we came back to our cabin after being out and around the ship, and found our room all cleaned up, as usual. Don’t ask me how, but the cabin attendants unerringly know when you’ve left the room, and whiz right in to tidy up and make the bed. This particular day I was rummaging around to find my knitting, and noticed that Sweetpea was gone. She was nowhere to be found. I rather frantically called the number listed on the card that our attendant had left. I found that she was on a break, and I had reached room service. They listened quite patiently to my rather lunatic-sounding story of the missing teddy bear, and I could almost hear the eye-rolling and snickering in the background, though the man on the phone was well-trained enough to not laugh out loud. He said he would look into it.

Not five minutes later there was a knock on the door. A young woman had rescued Sweetpea from the laundry, where she had apparently arrived wrapped up in our sheets. She was very happy to be home, and did not even think about having any more adventures for the entire rest of the trip.


Next stop:


You Guessed It…

More Pictures!

This handy landmark stands right at the harbor in Barcelona. Good old Chris pointed the way back to our ship so we didn’t get lost while wandering the city. Unfortunately, the main problem with cruises is that you don’t get to spend much time in any one city. Of all the stops on the trip, Barcelona was one of the places that I would love to revisit.



While wandering the warren of city streets, we found these cool guys.


We did the required ramble down the main pedestrian walkway, La Rambla. This is not for the claustrophobic, or for those paranoid about pickpockets.



The next day (we spent the night in harbor on the ship), we went back into the city for a cooking class. There were a dozen of us that learned how to make gazpacho, potato tortilla, and paella, as well as a custard dessert. Here’s John showing off in the kitchen.


And the finished paella. If it seems like none of us look very excited in this photo, we’d already eaten two courses, and had several glasses of wine.


Back on the ship, I’d been on vacation long enough to have to wash socks. Fortunately, there was a clothesline in our bathroom.


And sunset as we sailed back out into the Mediterranean.


On to knitting content. The buttons came! And the neckband is finished!




Finally, you can actually see them.


Here’s where you all can help. Vote on which ones you like better. I’m partial to the middle one, though those sharp little edges aren’t going to work very well with the buttonholes I made. So which is it, the pearl ones, or the gold roses?

Edited later: I removed the poll, as it was screwing with my blog colors. If you’re reading this after the fact, the antique rose buttons won, by a landslide.