It’s just November, during the month when all the NaBloPoMo people have promised to write a blog post every single day, and I’ve been working on my NaNoWriMo project. I’m going to have to do some serious writing to actually finish this year, which doesn’t leave much time for blogging, knitting, or actually anything else. I thought I’d take a break and check in though, just so you didn’t think I died or something.
We had a great Thanksgiving at the Knitting Doctor household, though it escapes me why my husband went out and bought 20 pounds of turkey when we only had 8 people to eat it. (And two small children, who didn’t eat any turkey. Slackers.) I’ve already had my allotted quota of turkey sandwiches, and I’ve made a fine turkey stock with the carcass. Tonight will be turkey soup, then that’s it for the year. I’m done with turkey.
Here’s where I am with the knitting projects. They are mostly the same knitting projects, and I haven’t made much progress, due to all the frantic novel writing I’ve been doing.
First, John’s grey Peace Fleece sweater:

Actually, looking at that, I have made progress. Since the last photo I showed, I finished the back, and I’m almost to the armhole shaping on the front. I still love this yarn, even if it’s sort of…plain. And grey, very grey.
Next is the Langsjal Jóhönnu. I have done a few rows here and there on this one. I’m anxious to finish this, as I have many, many more lace shawl and stole patterns and yarns that I would love to get to work on.

I have indeed been tempted to cast on other things, but have resisted the siren song of all that yarn over there in the bags and boxes behind me. After Nano writing is over, I plan to get all gung ho about this one and just finish it. It’s starting to feel a little like an albatross.
Then there is my newest sock in progress:

That’s Madeline Tosh sock yarn, in the color Amaranth. It really is that bright, and then some. I adore this yarn.
You might be asking what happened to the last sock I was working on, the one where I never showed finished photos. That’s because it’s not finished. Here it is.

It’s in a time-out to beat all time-outs. Why, you might ask? I love the yarn (Crown Mountain Farms Sock Hop), I love the color (Spirit In The Sky), I love the striping, and I even love the needles. There’s one small problem, I can’t seem to find the other hank of this yarn. I know for a fact that I had two, which would be enough for two socks. As I rounded the heel and headed for the toe, I figured I’d get out the second ball so I’d have it ready. Nope. Can’t find it anywhere. And indeed I have looked everywhere. I may just finish this one anyway, though that seems rather hopeful, given that I’ve already torn the house up looking. I took it to Idaho when we went in September, so I’m betting it got lost along the way. Someday I’ll rip it out and knit a pair of children’s socks out of it, but I’m equally certain that as soon as I do, the other ball will show up.
You can all clearly see that I have two balls of the Amaranth yarn up there, for two socks. I’m planning on keeping the two of them together until I need the second one.
Last but not least, a couple photos of Willie, just because he happened to be hanging around when I sat down to download the camera photos.

Go ahead, tell him what a handsome boy he is.
I’m going back to writing. Wish me luck, there are only 6 days left, counting today.